Table 3

Participants’ (N = 21) self-reported confidence in their ability to carry out core clinical genetics competencies in clinical practice, baseline questionnaire [Q1] versus follow-up questionnaire [Q3]: Confidence was rated on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = low confidence; 5 = high confidence).

Indicate how confident you are in your ability to carry out each of the following:
  •Elicit genetic information as part of a family or medical history3.6 (1.1)4 (2–5)3.8 (0.7)4 (3–5).248
  •Assess risk of hereditary disorders2.9 (1.0)3 (1–5)3.5 (0.8)3.5 (2–5).033
  •Decide who should be offered referral for genetic counseling or testing based on family history2.7 (0.7)3 (2–4)3.5 (0.6)3 (3–5).033
  •Order genetic testing for hereditary cancer or adult-onset disease1.8 (0.8)2 (1–4)2.3 (0.9)2 (1–4).102
  •Discuss a variety of prenatal testing options with your patients3.7 (1.3)4 (1–5)4.0 (1.1)4 (2–5).034
  •Evaluate the clinical usefulness of a genetic test3.0 (0.8)3 (2–4)3.3 (0.8)3 (2–4).130
  •Discuss the benefits, risks, and limitations of genetic testing3.0 (0.8)3 (2–4)3.4 (0.9)4 (2–5).033
  •Provide counseling to patients making decisions about whether or not to have genetic testing3.1 (0.9)3 (2–4)3.4 (1.1)4 (1–5).237
  •Provide psychosocial support to patients coping with a genetic test result3.6 (1.0)4 (2–5)3.7 (0.9)3 (2–5).637
  •Provide counseling related to screening, lifestyle changes, or surveillance strategies indicated by a genetic test result3.0 (1.2)3 (1–5)3.3 (1.3)3 (1–5).484
  •Describe what to expect at a genetic counseling session2.9 (1.1)3 (1–5)3.5 (1.1)3 (1–5).022
Overall, rate your current level of confidence in the following:
  •Prenatal genetics3.4 (1.1)4 (2–5)3.6 (1.1)3.5 (2–5).655
  •Genetics of adult-onset disorders2.3 (0.7)2 (1–4)3.0 (0.9)3 (1–4).005
  • * Some questions might have missing data.

  • Significant difference between Q1 and Q3.