Table 1

Opioid Risk Tool: Check the box if the item applies; a score of 0–3 indicates low risk, a score of 4–7 indicates moderate risk, and a score of 8 or higher indicates high risk.

1. Family history of substance abuse:
  • alcohol[ ] 1 point[ ] 3 points
  • illegal drugs[ ] 2 points[ ] 3 points
  • prescription drugs[ ] 4 points[ ] 4 points
2. Personal history of substance abuse:
  • alcohol[ ] 3 points[ ] 3 points
  • illegal drugs[ ] 4 points[ ] 4 points
  • prescription drugs[ ] 5 points[ ] 5 points
3. Age between 16 and 45 y[ ] 1 point[ ] 1 point
4. History of preadolescent sexual abuse[ ] 3 points[ ] 0 points
5. Psychological disease
  • attention deficit disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia[ ] 2 points[ ] 2 points
  • depression[ ] 1 point[ ] 1 point
  • Adapted from Webster and Webster.11