Table 1.

Parasitic infections acquired by ingesting raw fish

NematodesAnisakis simplexRaw or undercooked fish or squidAcute (1–2 h after ingestion, maybe up to 14 d): sudden, severe, episodic epigastric distress, sometimes nausea and vomiting
Chronic: diarrhea, urticaria, occasional coughing up of larvae, intestinal pseudo-obstruction
Ultrasound: might show small-bowel dilatation; thread-like gastric filling defectsSpontaneous recovery; occasional endoscopic removal of worms
Trematodes (liver flukes)Clonorchis sinensisKorea, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Japan; raw or undercooked fishAcute (within 1 wk of ingestion): fever, chills, tender hepatomegaly
Chronic: asymptomatic; occasional cholangitis or pancreatitis
Stool for ovaPraziquantel
EchinostomaSoutheast and east Asia; raw or undercooked fishGastroenteritis, anemia, headaches, dizziness, stomach pain, diarrhea, anorexia, eosinophiliaStool for ovaMebendazole, albendazole, or praziquantel
Trematodes (intestinal flukes)Metorchis conjunctusRaw white sucker fish (case report in Quebec)11–15 d incubation; abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea, headache, nauseaStool for ova or serologyPraziquantel or spontaneous resolution
Heterophyes sppMiddle East, Asia; raw, marinated, or undercooked fishAbdominal pain, diarrheaStool for ovaPraziquantel
Metagonimus sppMiddle East, Asia; raw, marinated, or undercooked fishAbdominal pain, diarrheaStool for ovaPraziquantel
Nanophyetus salmincolaNorth America; raw, undercooked, or smoked fishDiarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, weight lossStool for ovaSpontaneous resolution or antiparasitic agents
CestodesDiphyllobothrium latumRaw, undercooked, or marinated fishAbdominal pain, diarrhea, eosinophilia, occasional B12 deficiencyStool for ova or passage of proglottidsPraziquantel or niclosamide*
ProtozoaGiardia lambliaNorth America; home-canned salmon; China, koi pla (ie, fish soup), using uncooked freshwater fishNausea, chills, fever, epigastric pain, foul-smelling diarrhea (might be mucous-mixed, bloody)Trophozoites or cysts in stoolMetronidazole
  • * Praziquantel is indicated in Canada for the treatment of Schistosoma and some liver flukes, but not specifically for fish tapeworm. It is recognized as a treatment for Diphyllobothrium spp elsewhere, as is niclosamide. Niclosamide is not available in Canada.

  • Data from Butt et al,1 van Voorthuis and Weller,2 and Eastburn et al.3