Thank you for the helpful FP Watch article “Less smoke, more fire”1 in the May 2008 issue. I see that the authors mention the budesonide-formoterol 400/12 μg combination inhaler for those with moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). I find this interesting on 3 fronts:
After checking with the 2008 Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties and AstraZeneca, I can confirm that the 400/12 μg dose is not available in Canada.
While I have found that many of my patients with mild to moderate COPD prefer the budesonide-formoterol combination inhaler, it is not officially indicated for the treatment of COPD in Canada.
Those with severe COPD are often unable to develop sufficient inspiratory pressure to use the budesonide-formoterol combination inhaler delivery device.
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