Each year the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) celebrates the accomplishments of a number of family physicians, residents, and medical students who have been recognized for their outstanding contributions to patient care, teaching, research, and our health care system. The Honours and Awards Program has been growing thanks to generous donations to the College’s Research and Education Foundation (REF) from fellow family physicians and corporate supporters. The following award recipients were announced at Family Medicine Forum 2009:
W. Victor Johnston Award
The Honourable Dr Carolyn Bennett, Toronto, Ont
This award honours the late Dr W. Victor Johnston, the CFPC’s first Executive Director, from 1954 to 1964. The recipient is recognized for leadership in family medicine in Canada or internationally and presents the W. Victor Johnston Oration at the CFPC’s annual Convocation. Dr Bennett was named Canada’s first Minister of State for Public Health in 2003. During her 2 years as Minister, she set up the Public Health Agency of Canada, appointed the country’s first Chief Public Health Officer, and oversaw the establishment of a true public health network for Canada through which all 13 jurisdictions would be able to plan collaboratively for the health of Canadians. Currently she is the Liberal Opposition Critic for Health. Before her election, Dr Bennett was a family physician and a founding partner of Bedford Medical Associates in downtown Toronto. This award is supported by the REF.
Canada’s Family Physicians of the Year: Reg L. Perkin Awards
Dr John P. Pawlovich, Fraser Lake, BC
Dr George Gish, Claresholm, Alta
Dr Keith Ogle, Saskatoon, Sask
Dr Darcy Johnson, Winnipeg, Man
Dr Dona Rae Bowers, Ottawa, Ont
Dr Jean Maziade, Quebec, Que
Dr John W. Keddy, Fredericton, NB
Dr Randy J. MacKinnon, Charlottetown, PEI
Dr Lawrence M. MacNeil, Arichat, NS
Dr Paul Bonisteel, New Harbour, Nfld
These awards, named in honour of Dr Reg L. Perkin, CFPC Executive Director from 1985 to 1996, recognize outstanding CFPC family physician members who exemplify the best of what being a family doctor is all about: embodying the 4 principles of family medicine through contributions to patient care, teaching, research, and community services. These awards are supported by the CFPC, the REF, Health Canada, and Merck Frosst Canada Ltd.
Jean-Pierre Despins Award
Dr Rick Ward, Calgary, Alta
This award, named in memory of the late Dr Jean-Pierre Despins, CFPC President from 1995 to 1996 and Chair of the Board of the REF from 1999 to 2000, honours a CFPC family physician member identified as an outstanding advocate and public spokesperson for family medicine, family physicians, and patients. Dr Ward is a community-based family physician in Calgary and a Clinical Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary. He has been involved with the CFPC at a national and provincial level, including chairing the Family Medicine Forum Advisory Committee. He is the current President of the Alberta College of Family Physicians. This award is supported by the CFPC and donations to the J-P Despins Fund of the REF.
Ian McWhinney Family Medicine Education Award
Dr Tom Elmslie, Ottawa, Ont
This award, named in honour of Dr Ian McWhinney, the first Professor and Chair of a Canadian University Department of Family Medicine (University of Western Ontario, 1968 to 1987), is presented to a family medicine teacher in recognition of his or her outstanding contribution to family medicine education. Dr Elmslie, a Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Ottawa and a member of the teaching group at the Bruyère Family Medicine Centre in Ottawa, is recognized for his leadership in family medicine education in Canada and his high standards of teaching at all levels. This award is supported by the CFPC and donations to the Ian McWhinney Fund of the REF.
Family Medicine Researcher of the Year
Dr Stefan Grzybowski, Vancouver, BC
This award honours a family medicine researcher who has been a pivotal force in, and has made an original contribution to, family medicine research. Dr Grzybowski is a family physician researcher and a Professor in the Department of Family Practice at the University of British Columbia. His current research focuses on rural primary care and rural maternity care in British Columbia. He is committed to building research capacity in family medicine. This award is supported by the REF.
Lifetime Achievement Awards in Family Medicine Research
Dr Wayne Elford, Calgary, Alta
Dr John Garson, Vancouver, BC (deceased)
Dr George McQuitty, Calgary, Alta (deceased)
Dr Peter Norton, Creemore, Ont
Dr Michael Tarrant, Calgary, Alta (deceased)
These awards honour individuals who were trailblazers and leaders in, and who have made substantial career contributions to, family medicine research.
CFPC and Scotiabank Family Medicine Lectureship
Dr Barbara Starfield, Baltimore, MD
This award recognizes an outstanding Canadian or international figure who has contributed substantially in thought or deed to issues related to the health and well-being of people in Canada or around the world. Dr Starfield is a physician, health services researcher, and a distinguished Professor in the departments of health policy and pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University. She is internationally recognized for her research related to primary care and population health outcomes. This award is supported by Scotiabank and the REF.
Honorary Membership
Ms Lucille Auffrey, Shediac, NB
Ms Carmen Frese, Calgary, Alta
Honorary memberships recognize individuals of distinction, whether or not they are graduates of medicine, who are not family physicians in Canada but have made outstanding contributions to the discipline of family medicine, the CFPC, or the health and well-being of the population. This award is supported by the REF.
AMS–Mimi Divinsky Awards for History and Narrative in Family Medicine
Best English story by a family physician: “On Diagnosing Alzheimer Dementia” by Dr Shane Neilson, Guelph, Ont
Best French story by a family physician: “Une lettre pour toi” by Dr Christine Motheron, Quebec, Que
Best story by a family medicine resident: “Into the Spirit World” by Dr Andrew Lodge, Bella Coola, BC These awards are named in memory of the late Dr Mimi Divinsky for her role as a pioneer in narrative medicine in Canada. They are supported by Associated Medical Services Inc.
CFPC Awards of Excellence
Dr Peggy Aufricht, Calgary, Alta
Dr Marie-Dominique Beaulieu, La Prairie, Que
Dr Allen Bell, Thornhill, Ont
Dr Carolyn Bennett, Toronto, Ont
Dr Jocelyne Bonin, St-Hyacinthe, Que
Dr Micheline Boucher-Robichaud, Dieppe, NB
Dr Dieter Bueddefeld, Altona, Man
Dr Peter Butt, Saskatoon, Sask
Dr François Desbiens, La Sarre, Que
Dr Dale Dewar, Wynyard, Sask
Dr Gordon Dickie, London, Ont
Dr Pauline Duke, St John’s, Nfld
Dr Suzette Guirguis, Laval, Que
Dr Vonda M. Hayes, Halifax, NS
Dr Daniel Hewitt, Lewisport, Nfld
Dr William Hogg, Ottawa, Ont
Dr Peter Hutten-Czapski, Haileybury, Ont
Dr Lorena Jenks, Fort Frances, Ont
Dr Mireille LeCours, Stratford, PEI
Dr Cheryl Levitt, Hamilton, Ont
Dr Robin Love, Nanaimo, BC
Dr Lynn McLauchlin, Westmount, Que
Dr Katherine McNally, Charlottetown, PEI
Dr Ewart A. Morse, Bridgewater, NS
Dr Tracy Morton, Queen Charlotte, BC
Dr Patricia Mousmanis, Richmond Hill, Ont
Dr Shehnaz Pabani, Sudbury, Ont
Dr Tanya K. Pentelichuk, Banff, Alta
Dr David Price, Hamilton, Ont
Dr Cameron Ross, Chilliwack, BC
Dr Hélène Rousseau, Montreal, Que
Dr Brian Schwartz, Toronto, Ont
Dr Elizabeth Shaw, Hamilton, Ont
Dr Jeffery Sloan, Napanee, Ont
Dr Guylène Thériault, Gatineau, Que
Dr Martin Veall, Midland, Ont
Dr Wayne Weston, London, Ont
Dr David White, Toronto, Ont
Dr Cornelius Woelk, Winkler, Man
Dr Arash Zohoor, Markham, Ont
Awards of Excellence recognize CFPC members who, in the past 12 to 24 months, have made outstanding contributions to one or more of the following: patient care, community service, hospital or health care institutions, the health care system, College activities (National or Chapter), teaching, research, or other elements of the discipline of family medicine.
Irwin Bean Award
Dr Robert Sutherland, Campbell River, BC
Bob Robertson Award
Dr Jessica Hopkins, Ancaster, Ont
These awards, honouring the late Dr Irwin Bean, CFPC President from 1962 to 1963 and the first Chair of the CFPC’s Committee on Examinations, and the late Dr Bob Robertson, CFPC President from 1980 to 1981, are presented annually to the candidates who achieve the highest standing among practice-eligible candidates and family medicine residents, respectively, in the Certification Examination in Family Medicine. These awards are supported by the REF.
CFPC Medical Student Leadership Awards
Dr Cortney Shier, University of British Columbia
Dr Robert G. Warren, University of Calgary
Dr Aisha Khatib, University of Alberta
Dr Michael Bayda, University of Saskatchewan
Dr Lucy Pei-Ru Hwi, University of Manitoba
Dr Danyaal Raza, University of Western Ontario
Dr Rebekah Shoop, McMaster University
Dr Danielle Kain, University of Toronto
Dr Claire Dyason, Queen’s University
Dr Sara Hostland, University of Ottawa
Dr Marie-Hélène Dufour, Laval University
Dr Emily Ingram, McGill University
Dr Philippe Boisvert, University of Montreal
Dr Karine Bériault, University of Sherbrooke
Dr Stuart Whittaker, Dalhousie University
Dr Suzanne Price, Memorial University of Newfoundland
These awards recognize the leadership abilities of outstanding Canadian medical students in their final undergraduate year of study at each of Canada’s medical schools. These awards are supported by donations from Scotiabank, the CFPC, and the REF.
CFPC Medical Student Scholarships
Mrs Keri Ruthe, University of British Columbia
Ms Nadia Shehata, University of Calgary
Ms Kelly Tackaberry, University of Alberta
Ms Erin Hamilton, University of Saskatchewan
Ms Selena Papetti, University of Manitoba
Mrs Katie Kauffeldt, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Ms Tiffany Kwok, University of Western Ontario
Ms Laura Eustace, McMaster University
Ms Esther Lieberman, University of Toronto
Ms Allison Chow, Queen’s University
Ms Pam Carlson, University of Ottawa
Mrs Dominique Morin, Laval University
Mr Anthony Rizzuto, McGill University
Mr Mathieu Moreau, University of Montreal
Ms Martine Dulude, University of Sherbrook
Mrs Nicole Fancy, Dalhousie University
Ms Sarah D. Cutler, Memorial University of Newfoundland
These scholarships recognize outstanding Canadian medical students in their second-last undergraduate year of study, at each of Canada’s medical schools, who have demonstrated an interest in or commitment to careers in family medicine. These awards are supported by donations from Scotiabank, the CFPC, and the REF.
Murray Stalker Memorial Award
Dr Aaron Orkin, Oxford, UK
This award, named in honour of the late Dr Murray Stalker, first CFPC President (1954 to 1955), recognizes scholarly achievements and leadership among family medicine residents.
Research Awards for Family Medicine Residents
Dr Émilie Beaulac, Laval University
Dr Alexis Dumais and Dr Catherine Benoit, University of Sherbrooke
These awards recognize the research achievements of family medicine residents. They are supported by the Professional Association of Internes and Residents of Ontario and the REF.
Nadine St-Pierre Award
Dr Fahimy Saoud, McGill University
This award, named in honour of the late Dr Nadine St-Pierre, who was instrumental in the development of the French-language version of the Certification Examination in Family Medicine, recognizes an outstanding Francophone family medicine resident. It is supported by the REF.
CFPC Family Medicine Resident Leadership Awards
Dr Sharon Ham and Dr Alicia Robinson Power, University of British Columbia
Dr Sunita Chacko, University of Calgary
Dr Carmen Larsen, University of Alberta
Dr Schaana Van de Kamp, University of Saskatchewan
Dr Alexander Singer, University of Manitoba
Dr Aaron Orkin, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Dr Jessica Howard, University of Western Ontario
Dr Jitin Sondhi, McMaster University
Dr Somaiah Ahmed and Dr Sarah Warden, University of Toronto
Dr Pamela Aird, Queen’s University
Dr Caitlin Schwartz, University of Ottawa
Dr Sylvain Bellemare, Laval University
Dr Deborah Schwarcz, McGill University
Dr Julie Massé, University of Montreal
Dr Sébastien Lefebvre, University of Sherbrooke
Dr Doug Hall, Dalhousie University
Dr Margo Wilson, Memorial University of Newfoundland
These awards recognize the leadership abilities of outstanding senior family medicine residents from each of Canada’s family medicine residency programs. They are supported by Scotiabank, the CFPC, and the REF.
CFPC Family Medicine Resident Awards for Scholarship
Dr Vanessa Brcic and Dr Caroline Ebert, University of British Columbia
Dr Marsha Quartero and Dr Christopher Rebus, University of Calgary
Dr Lemmese Al-Watban, University of Alberta
Dr Raenelle Nesbitt and Dr Jessi Warren, University of Saskatchewan
Dr Terrence Szajkowski, University of Manitoba
Dr Aaron Orkin, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Dr Mohamed Mahmoud, University of Western Ontario
Dr Jessica Hopkins, McMaster University
Dr Sarah Wilson, University of Toronto
Dr Piotr Oglaza, Queen’s University
Dr Megan Richard, University of Ottawa
Dr Émilie Beaulac, Laval University
Dr Fahimy Saoud, McGill University
Dr Frédéric Picotte, University of Montreal
Dr Alexis Dumais, University of Sherbrooke
Dr Laura Sadler, Dalhousie University
Dr Annabeth Loveys Humber, Memorial University of Newfoundland
These awards recognize outstanding scholarly activity by family medicine residents. They are supported by the Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors, the North American Primary Care Research Group, and the CFPC.
Early Career Development Awards
Dr Veronic Clair, Vancouver, BC
Dr Miriam Lacasse, Quebec, Que
These awards recognize family physicians in their first 5 years of practice for their leadership abilities. They are supported by TD Meloche Monnex and the REF.
Canadian Family Physician Best Original Research Article
Dr Graham Worrall, Whitbourne, Nfld
One hundred coughs. Family practice case series. Can Fam Physician 2008;54:236–7.e1–3.
Dr F. Joseph Lee, Kitchener, Ont with Dr Moira Stewart and Dr Judith Belle Brown
Stress, burnout, and strategies for reducing them. What’s the situation among Canadian family physicians? Can Fam Physician 2008;54:234–5.e1–5.
Recipients are recognized for original research judged to be the best of its genre published in Canadian Family Physician during the preceding year.
C. Robert Kemp Palliative Care Scholarships
Dr Lori E. Teeple, Strathroy, Ont
Dr Heidi Chestnut, Ottawa, Ont
These awards, presented in the name of Dr C. Robert Kemp, a Past President of the Ontario College of Family Physicians (1967 to 1968), support family physicians’ participation in palliative care programs. These awards are supported by donations to the REF from the Kemp Family Stoney Creek Fund of the Hamilton Community Foundation.
Hollister King Rural Family Practice Scholarship
Dr Yvan Bernier, St-Charles Borromée, Que
Awarded in memory of the late Dr Hollister King, CFPC President from 1977 to 1978 and former Chief of Family Practice at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto, Ont, this scholarship provides an opportunity for a practising family physician to attain or enhance special skills in delivery of rural medical care. This award is supported by the CFPC and donations to the REF Hollister King Fund.
Janus Continuing Professional Development and Continuing Medical Education Scholarships
Dr Brian Addie, Cow Bay, NS
Dr Fran Alborg, Woodstock, NB
Dr Julia Alleyne, Toronto, Ont
Dr Yves Belzil, Blainville, Que
Dr Marta Fundamenski, Ottawa, Ont
Dr Treena Greene, Iqaluit, NU
Dr Antoine Groulx, Gaspé, Que
Dr Julie Hong, Kingston, Ont
Dr Patrick Ling, Saskatoon, Sask
Dr Karen Melanson, Dieppe, NB
Dr Gavin Parker, Calgary, Alta
Dr Eva Purkey, Kingston, Ont
Dr Ashley Riskin, North Vancouver, BC
Dr Andrew Sellars, Vernon, BC
Dr Daniel St-Arnaud, Quebec, Que
Dr Guylène Thériault, Gatineau, Que
Dr Carol Valois, St Bruno, Que
Dr Sheila Wijayasinghe, Toronto, Ont
Dr Sheila Yuen, Toronto, Ont
Through these scholarships, the CFPC’s Janus Project supports family doctors carrying out continuing medical education activities related to meeting the changing needs of their patients and communities. These scholarships are supported by the CFPC and donations to the REF from Associated Medical Services Inc and Scotiabank.
Janus Scholarship for International Health Projects
Dr David Ponka, Ottawa, Ont
This scholarship supports a CFPC member engaging in international health care projects either in Canada or abroad and promoting family medicine abroad. This award is supported by donations to the REF from Associated Medical Services Inc and Scotiabank.
CFPC Scholarships in Women’s Health
Dr Sophia Aouinati, Montreal, Que
Dr Catherine Cameron, Toronto, Ont
Dr Anthony Fong, Vancouver, BC
Dr Elizabeth McLeman, Calgary, Alta
Dr Tracy Parnell, Cranbrook, BC
Dr Myta Peters, Toronto, Ont
Dr Amitkumar Upadhyay, Dunnville, Ont
Dr Margaret Woods, Thunder Bay, Ont
These scholarships are awarded to family physicians to support their continuing professional development activities related to women’s health. They are supported by donations to the REF from the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada’s Foundation for the Promotion of Reproductive and Sexual Health.
Geeta Gupta Equity and Diversity Award
Dr Neil Arya, Waterloo, Ont
Dr Susan Phillips, Kingston, Ont
This award is presented in honour of Dr Geeta Gupta, a family physician devoted to working with minority and ethnic communities, and recognizes an outstanding family physician who has shown leadership in caring for diverse patients or populations. This award is supported by donations to the REF from the Ben Topor Family Foundation through the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal.
CFPC Environmental Health Award
Dr Catherine Vakil, Kingston, Ont
This award is presented to a CFPC family physician member who has demonstrated leadership in the area of environmental health. The recipient is also awarded the Nicole Bruinsma Award for Environmental Leadership presented by the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment and the Cheer Foundation in memory of the late Dr Nicole Bruinsma.
Janus Research Grants
Dr Nancy Humber, Lillooet, BC
Dr Nusrat Jamil, Winnipeg, Man
Dr David Joyce, Vancouver, BC
Dr Alain Vanasse, Sherbrooke, Que
Dr Samantha Winemaker, Hamilton, Ont
These grants support family physicians carrying out research projects to help meet the changing needs of their patients and communities. They are supported by Associated Medical Services Inc, Scotiabank, and the CFPC.
Janus Research Proposal Development Grants
Dr Daniele Behn Smith, Edmonton, Alta
Dr Richard Denton, Kirkland Lake, Ont
Dr Joshua Shadd, Kingston, Ont
These grants, intended to build family medicine research capacity, support academic and community-based family physicians in active practice to develop research grant proposals.
D.M. Robb Research Grant
Dr Sarah Newbery, Marathon, Ont
This award honours the late Dr Douglas Robb, a Past President of the New Brunswick Chapter of the CFPC from 1979 to 1980, and supports the research activities of a community-based family physician.
CFPC Outstanding Family Medicine Research Article
Dr Stewart Harris, London, Ont with Dr Jean-François Yale, Ms Ellen Dempsey, and Dr Hertzel Gerstein
Can family physicians help patients initiate basal insulin therapy successfully? Can Fam Physician 2008;54:550–8. This award recognizes the best research article published in a national or international journal during the preceding year that was based on family medicine research carried out by a CFPC member.
British Columbia College of Family Physicians (BCCFP) Research Awards
Dr Christina Ames, Sidney
Dr Robert Bluman, Vancouver
Dr Trevor Corneil, Vancouver
Dr Paul Gross, Vancouver
Dr Maureen Mayhew, Vancouver
Dr Konia Trouton, Victoria
Dr Chuck Wen, Vancouver
These awards support original research carried out by practising family physician members of the BCCFP, postgraduate family medicine residents, or medical students enrolled at the University of British Columbia. These awards are supported by the BCCFP Research Awards Fund and the REF.
Fellowship in the College of Family Physicians of Canada (FCFP) is an honour the CFPC confers upon Certificant members who have maintained their membership and Certification for a minimum of 10 consecutive years, demonstrating their ongoing commitment to continuing professional development and lifelong learning. The names of CFPC Fellows for 2009 can be found at www.cfpc.ca/awards.
Life membership is awarded to those 70 or older who have been CFPC members in good standing for at least 10 consecutive years immediately before the date of nomination. The names of Life Members for 2009 can be found at www.cfpc.ca/awards.
Cet article se trouve aussi en français à la page 97.
- Copyright© the College of Family Physicians of Canada