Family Medicine Forum 2010 in Vancouver, BC, provided a beautiful backdrop for the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) and its Research and Education Foundation (REF) to recognize the recipients of our annual honours and awards. The following family physicians, medical students, family medicine residents, and colleagues were acknowledged as outstanding contributors to clinical care, teaching, research, College activities, and health system initiatives. They should be celebrated for their personal achievements and for representing thousands of others working with them every day in communities throughout Canada. The CFPC’s honours and awards are supported through member and corporate donations to the REF. We thank our generous donors and congratulate all the recipients.
W. Victor Johnston Award
Dr Rob Wedel, Taber, Alta
This award is named in honour of the late Dr W. Victor Johnston, the CFPC’s first Executive Director, from 1954 to 1964. It recognizes outstanding national or international family medicine leaders for their continuous and enduring contributions to our specialty, with the recipient presenting the W. Victor Johnston Oration at Convocation.
CFPC-Scotiabank Family Medicine Lectureship
Dr Robert Thirsk, Seabrook, Tex
This award recognizes an outstanding Canadian or international figure who has contributed substantially in thought or deed to issues related to the health and well-being of people in Canada or around the world. This award is supported by donations from Scotiabank.
Canada’s Family Physicians of the Year: Reg L. Perkin Awards
Dr Ronald A. Wilson, Vancouver, BC
Dr Karen Lundgard, Peace River, Atla
Dr Carla Eisenhauer, Saskatoon, Sask
Dr Anne Durcan, Winnipeg, Man
Dr Catherine Faulds, London, Ont
Dr Ruth Vander Stelt, Gatineau, Que
Dr Jennifer Hall, Saint John, NB
Dr Charles Dewar, O’Leary, PEI
Dr David MacNeil, Bedford, NS
Dr Catherine Penney, St Anthony, Nfld
These awards, named in honour of Dr Reg L. Perkin, CFPC Executive Director from 1985 to 1996, recognize outstanding CFPC family physician members who exemplify the 4 principles of family medicine through contributions to patient care, teaching, research, and community services. These awards are supported by Health Canada and donations from Merck Frosst Canada Ltd.
Donald I. Rice Award
Dr Garey Mazowita, Vancouver, BC
This award, named in honour of Dr Donald I. Rice, CFPC Executive Director from 1965 to 1985, recognizes an outstanding CFPC family physician member for contributions to teaching and leadership in our discipline, and supports the award recipient for a 2-year period to present his or her experiences and perspectives at Chapter scientific assemblies and department of family medicine conferences. This award is supported by member donations to the D.I. Rice Fund of the REF.
Jean-Pierre Despins Award
Dr Cheryl Levitt, Hamilton, Ont
This award, named in memory of the late Dr Jean-Pierre Despins, CFPC President from 1995 to 1996 and Chair of the Board of the REF from 1999 to 2000, honours a CFPC family physician member identified as an outstanding advocate and public spokesperson for family medicine, family physicians, and patients. This award is supported by member donations to the J-P Despins Fund of the REF.
Ian McWhinney Family Medicine Education Award
Dr Paul Grand’Maison, Sherbrooke, Que
This award, named in honour of Dr Ian McWhinney, the first Professor and Chair of a Canadian University Department of Family Medicine (University of Western Ontario, 1968 to 1987), is presented to a family medicine teacher recognized by peers and students for his or her outstanding contribution to family medicine education. This award is supported by member donations to the Ian McWhinney Fund of the REF.
Family Medicine Researcher of the Year
Dr Rick Birtwhistle, Kingston, Ont
This award honours a family medicine researcher who has been a pivotal force in, and has made an original contribution to, family medicine research.
Lifetime Achievement Awards in Family Medicine Research
Dr Brian Dixon-Warren, Saturna Island, BC
Dr William Andre Falk, Sidney, BC
Dr John Hilditch, Victoria, BC
Dr Michael Klein, Roberts Creek, BC
These awards honour individuals who were trailblazers and leaders in, and who have made a considerable career contribution to, family medicine research.
Honorary Membership
Dr Dana Hanson, Fredericton, NB
Dr Nick Kates, Hamilton, Ont
Mr Sam Sullivan, Vancouver, BC
This honour recognizes individuals who are not CFPC members who have made outstanding contributions to the CFPC, family medicine, the health system, or the health and well-being of the population in Canada or abroad.
AMS–Mimi Divinsky Awards for History and Narrative in Family Medicine
Best English story by a family physician: “Throw Me a Line,” by Dr Pauline Pariser, Toronto, Ont
Best French story by a family physician: “Le pouvoir de l’écoute,” by Dr Nicole Audet, Laval, Que
Best story by a medical student: “Why Are You Here to See the Doctor Today?” by Mrs Magbule Doko, Windsor, Ont
These awards are named in memory of the late Dr Mimi Divinsky for her role as a pioneer in narrative medicine in Canada. They are supported by donations from Associated Medical Services Inc.
CFPC Awards of Excellence
Dr Elizabeth Bautista, Grand Falls–Windsor, Nfld
Dr Gilbert Blanchard, Caraquet, NB
Dr Risa Bordman, Thornhill, Ont
Dr Suzanne Bouchard, Gatineau, Que
Dr Michael Caffaro, Hinton, Alta
Dr Paul Caldwell, Cobourg, Ont
Dr George Carruthers, Charlottetown, PEI
Dr Sony Cejic, London, Ont
Dr Catherine Cervin, Halifax, NS
Dr Cyprian Enweani, Saskatoon, Sask
Dr Muhammad Sohail Gandhi, Stayner, Ont
Dr Rick Gibson, Dartmouth, NS
Dr Lisa Graves, Sudbury, Ont
Dr Katalin Ivanyi, Hamilton, Ont
Dr Kirsten Johnson, Westmount, Que
Dr Karen L. Juce, Hamiota, Man
Dr Tara Kiran, Toronto, Ont
Dr Robert Lam, Toronto, Ont
Dr Julie Langlois, Bathurst, NB
Dr Leo Lanoie, Prince Albert, Sask
Dr Gaétan Y. Lavoie, Matane, Que
Dr François Lehmann, Montreal, Que
Dr Mark MacKenzie, Chilliwack, BC
Dr Joanne Maier, Brandon, Man
Dr Andrea Moser, Huntsville, Que
Dr Susan Munro, Chatham, Ont
Dr Stuart Murdoch, Barrie, Ont
Dr Ashoor Nagji, Don Mills, Ont
Dr Ieva Neimanis, Hamilton, Ont
Dr Kendall Noel, Rockland, Ont
Dr Gurdeep Parhar, Vancouver, BC
Dr Nadia Plach, Hamilton, Ont
Dr Mona Reck, Stratford, PEI
Dr Ian M. Scott, Vancouver, BC
Dr Jason A. Shack, Fort Frances, Ont
Dr William Shannon, Peterborough, Ont
Dr Eileen St. Croix, Gander, Nfld
Dr Dominique Tessier, Montreal, Que
Dr Alain Vanasse, Sherbrooke, Que
Dr Samantha Winemaker, Hamilton, Ont
Dr Joanne Young, North Vancouver, BC
Awards of Excellence recognize CFPC members who in the past 12 to 24 months have made outstanding contributions to patient care, community service, hospital or health care institutions, the health care system, College activities (National or Chapter), teaching, research, or other elements of the discipline of family medicine.
Irwin Bean Award
Dr Eimad Elghol, Stephenville, Nfld
Bob Robertson Award
Dr Jennifer Thomas, Ottawa, Ont
These awards, honouring the late Dr Irwin Bean, CFPC President from 1962 to 1963 and the first Chair of the CFPC’s Committee on Examinations, and the late Dr Bob Robertson, CFPC President from 1980 to 1981, are presented annually to the candidates who achieve the highest standing among practice-eligible candidates and family medicine residents, respectively, in the Certification Examination in Family Medicine.
CFPC Medical Student Leadership Awards
Dr Aedes Scheer, University of British Columbia
Dr Katie McIntyre, University of Calgary
Dr Daniel McKennitt, University of Alberta
Dr Sarah Liskowich, University of Saskatchewan
Dr Trishia Penner, University of Manitoba
Dr Katie Kauffeldt, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Dr Jacqueline Wolting, University of Western Ontario
Dr Sanaz Zarinehbaf, McMaster University
Dr Janice Bacher, University of Toronto
Dr Yelena Chorny, Queen’s University
Dr Amy Forbes, University of Ottawa
Dr Isabelle Samson, Laval University
Dr Anthony Rizzuto, McGill University
Dr Gabrielle Barbarese, University of Montreal
Dr Anne Pomerleau, University of Sherbrooke
Dr Nicole Fancy, Dalhousie University
Dr Colin Newman, Memorial University of Newfoundland
These awards recognize the leadership abilities of outstanding Canadian medical students in their final undergraduate year of study at each medical school. These awards are supported by donations from Scotiabank.
CFPC Medical Student Scholarships
Mr James Handel, University of British Columbia
Mr Robert Pomerleau, University of Calgary
Mr Harbir S. Gill, University of Alberta
Ms Randi V. Ramunno, University of Saskatchewan
Ms Zahra Abhari, University of Manitoba
Mrs Kiersten Parr, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Mr Dax Biondi, University of Western Ontario
Ms Jacqueline Green, McMaster University
Ms Keely Johnston, University of Toronto
Mr Nathaniel Charach, Queen’s University
Ms Amanda Lohnes, University of Ottawa
Ms Évelyne Bourdua-Roy, Laval University
Ms Hallie Coltin, McGill University
Ms Christine De Maria, University of Montreal
Ms Anouck C. Latrémouille, University of Sherbrooke
Mr Colin McCready, Dalhousie University
Ms Heather O’Dea, Memorial University of Newfoundland
These scholarships recognize outstanding Canadian medical students in their second-last undergraduate year of study who have demonstrated interest in, or commitment to, careers in family medicine. These awards are supported by donations from Scotiabank.
Murray Stalker Memorial Award
Dr Clarissa Burke, Hamilton, Ont
This award, named in memory of the late Dr Murray Stalker, first CFPC President (1954 to 1955), recognizes an outstanding family medicine resident as a potential leader in the discipline of family medicine based on current leadership, academic standing, research accomplishments, and communication skills.
Research Awards for Family Medicine Residents
Dr Amanda Flanagan, University of Ottawa
Drs Marie-Ève Larivière, Marie-Ève Bergeron, Geneviève Desbiens, and Juan Carlos Ochoa, Laval University
These awards recognize the outstanding research achievements of family medicine residents. These awards are supported by donations from the Professional Association of Internes and Residents of Ontario Trust Fund.
Nadine St-Pierre Award
Dr Rachel Gough, University of Montreal
This award, named in honour of the late Dr Nadine St-Pierre, who was instrumental in the development of the French-language version of the Certification Examination in Family Medicine, recognizes an outstanding Francophone family medicine resident leader.
CFPC Family Medicine Resident Leadership Awards
Dr Jennifer Parker, University of British Columbia
Dr Kristine Bertsch, University of Calgary
Dr Jamil Hirji, University of Alberta
Dr Lena Derie-Gillespie, University of Saskatchewan
Dr Kevin Earl, University of Manitoba
Dr Tyler Christie, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Dr Clarissa Burke, University of Western Ontario
Dr Nicole Green, McMaster University
Dr Ritika Goel, University of Toronto
Dr Jennifer Tong, Queen’s University
Dr Richard Waldolf, University of Ottawa
Dr Marie-Pierre Dumas, Laval University
Dr Marc Cotran, McGill University
Dr Isabelle Hébert, University of Montreal
Dr Myriam Champagne, University of Sherbrooke
Dr Amy Brennan, Dalhousie University
Dr Sheldon Butt, Memorial University of Newfoundland
These awards recognize the leadership abilities of outstanding senior family medicine residents from each of Canada’s family medicine residency programs. They are supported by donations from Scotiabank.
CFPC Family Medicine Resident Awards for Scholarship
Drs Susan Nouch and Jill Cunes, University of British Columbia
Dr Brett Poulin, University of Calgary
Dr Helene O’Connor, University of Alberta
Drs Katherine Bisby, Conrad Veikle, and Diana Hammond, University of Saskatchewan
Dr Rehana Alarakhia, University of Manitoba
Dr Tyler Christie, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Dr Emily Kelly, University of Western Ontario
Drs Amy Bourns, Anusha Kathiravelu, and Jeanne Yip, University of Toronto
Dr Norma M. Charrière, Queen’s University
Dr Amanda Flanagan, University of Ottawa
Drs Geneviève Desbiens, Marie-Eve Bergeron, Juan Carlos Ochoa, and Marie-Eve Larivière, Laval University
Dr André Jakubow, McGill University
Dr Myriam Mazza, University of Montreal
Drs Kevin Girard, Alexandre Dufour, Mélodie Pedneault, Marie-Anne Gagnon, and Catherine Girard-Martel, University of Sherbrooke
Drs Philip Bock and Brian Milligan, Dalhousie University
Dr Keith Short, Memorial University of Newfoundland
These awards recognize the best scholarly work of senior family medicine residents from each university department of family medicine in Canada.
Early Career Development Awards
Dr Jonathan Kerr, Belleville, Ont
Dr Michael Lee-Poy, Kitchener, Ont
These awards recognize outstanding family physicians in their first 5 years of practice for their early career leadership abilities. They are supported by donations from TD Meloche Monnex.
Canadian Family Physician Best Original Research Article
Dr Karen Tu, Toronto, Ont with Ms Karen Cauch-Dudek and Dr Zhongliang Chen Comparison of primary care physician payment models in the management of hypertension. Can Fam Physician 2009;55:719–27.
Recipients are recognized for original research judged to be the best of its genre published in Canadian Family Physician during the preceding year.
C. Robert Kemp Palliative Care Scholarships
Dr Barbara Fischer, Whitecourt, Alta
Dr Eileen Nicolle, Toronto, Ont
These awards, presented in memory of the late Dr C. Robert Kemp, a Past President of the Ontario College of Family Physicians (1967 to 1968), support family physicians’ participation in palliative care continuing education programs. These awards are supported by donations from the Kemp Family Stoney Creek Fund of the Hamilton Community Foundation.
Hollister King Rural Family Practice Scholarship
Dr Richard Claveau, Hearst, Ont
Awarded in memory of the late Dr Hollister King, CFPC President from 1977 to 1978 and former Chief of Family Practice at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto, Ont, this scholarship provides an opportunity for a practising family physician to attain or enhance special skills in delivery of rural medical care. This award is supported by member donations to the REF Hollister King Fund.
Janus Continuing Professional Development and Continuing Medical Education Scholarships
Dr Marie-Hélène Boudreau, Quebec, Que
Dr Vimal Kapoor, Toronto, Ont
Dr Rahul Khosla, Nelson, BC
Dr Nadia Knarr, Belleville, Ont
Dr Allan Kopyto, Hamilton, Ont
Dr Robert Lam, Toronto, Ont
Dr Sophie Low-Beer, Vancouver, BC
Dr Patricia Marchand, Trois-Rivières, Que
Dr Patrick Merrett, Montreal, Que
Dr Lili Mileva, Kingston, Ont
Dr Christie Newton, Port Moody, BC
Dr Danielle O’Keefe, St John’s, Nfld
Dr Rick Penciner, Toronto, Ont
Dr April Sanders, Vernon, BC
Dr David Singleton, Rainy River, Ont
Dr Trina Stewart, Summerside, PEI
Through these scholarships, the CFPC’s Janus Project supports family doctors carrying out continuing professional development activities related to meeting the changing needs of their patients and communities. These scholarships are supported by donations from Associated Medical Services Inc and Scotiabank.
Janus Scholarship for International Health Projects
Dr Jane Philpott, Stouffville, Ont
This scholarship supports a CFPC member engaging in global health care projects either in Canada or abroad and promoting family medicine abroad. Clinical activities, teaching, research, or conference attendance are considered. This scholarship is supported by donations from the CFPC, Associated Medical Services Inc, and Scotiabank.
CFPC Scholarships in Women’s Health
Dr Lopita Banerjee, Brampton, Ont
Dr Liny Laroche, Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, Que
Dr Naomi Lear, Toronto, Ont
Dr Shehnaz Pabani, Sudbury, Ont
Dr Aleksandar Radan, Goderich, Ont
Dr Sarah Rice, Ottawa, Ont
Dr Lucie Rochefort, Quebec, Que
Dr Fay Sliwin, Toronto, Ont
These scholarships are awarded to family physicians to support continuing professional development activities related to women’s health. They are supported by donations from the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada’s Foundation for Sexual and Reproductive Health.
Geeta Gupta Equity and Diversity Award
Dr Peter Granger, Vancouver, BC
This award is presented in honour of Dr Geeta Gupta, a family physician devoted to working with minority and ethnic communities, and recognizes an outstanding family physician who has shown leadership in caring for diverse patients or populations. This award is supported by donations to the REF from the Ben Topor Family Foundation through the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal.
Janus Research Grants, Senior
Dr Lisa Graves, Sudbury, Ont
Dr Maureen Mayhew, Vancouver, BC
Dr Leah Steele, Toronto, Ont
Janus Research Grants, Novice-Intermediate
Dr Chantal Guimont, Quebec, Que
Dr Namta Gupta, Montreal, Que
Dr Jason Hosain, Saskatoon, Sask
Dr Shayna Watson, Kingston, Ont
Janus Research Proposal Development Grants
Dr François Couturier, St Lambert, Que
Dr Réjean Duplain, Trois-Rivières, Que
D.M. Robb Research Grant
Dr Christine Bourbonnière, Ottawa, Ont
This award honours the late Dr Douglas Robb, a Past President of the New Brunswick Chapter of the College (1979 to 1980), and supports the research activities of a community-based family physician.
CFPC Outstanding Family Medicine Research Article
Dr Marshall Godwin, St John’s, Nfld with Miu Lam, Richard Birtwhistle, Dianne Delva, Rachelle Seguin, Ian Casson, and Susan MacDonald
A primary care pragmatic cluster randomized trial of the use of home blood pressure monitoring on blood pressure levels in hypertensive patients with above target blood pressure. Fam Pract 2010;27(2):135–42. Epub 2009 Dec 23.
This award recognizes the best research article published in a national or international journal during the preceding year that was based on family medicine research carried out by a CFPC member.
British Columbia College of Family Physicians (BCCFP) Research Awards
Dr Lisa Mu, Vancouver, BC
Dr Chris A. Whittington, Abbotsford, BC
These awards support original research carried out by practising family physician members of the BCCFP, postgraduate family medicine residents, or medical students enrolled at the University of British Columbia. These awards are supported by the BCCFP Research Awards Fund.
Fellowship in the College of Family Physicians of Canada (FCFP) is an honour the CFPC confers upon Certificant members in good standing who have maintained their Certification for a minimum of 10 consecutive years, demonstrating their ongoing commitment to continuing professional development and lifelong learning. The names of CFPC Fellows for 2010 can be found at www.cfpc.ca/awards.
Life membership is awarded to those 70 years of age or older who have been CFPC members in good standing for at least 10 consecutive years immediately before the date of nomination. The names of Life Members for 2010 can be found at www.cfpc.ca/awards.
Cet article se trouve aussi en français à la page 128.
- Copyright© the College of Family Physicians of Canada