Index by author
November 01, 2013; Volume 59,Issue 11
Allan, G. Michael
- You have accessDiabète de type 2 et valeurs visées d’hémoglobine A1cG. Michael Allan, David Ross and Jacques RomneyCanadian Family Physician November 2013; 59 (11) e492;
- You have accessType 2 diabetes and hemoglobin A1c targetsG. Michael Allan, David Ross and Jacques RomneyCanadian Family Physician November 2013; 59 (11) 1193;
Baddar, Faisal
- You have accessIndirect laryngoscopyDavid Ponka and Faisal BaddarCanadian Family Physician November 2013; 59 (11) 1201;
Bajcar, Jana
- You have accessCurriculum to enhance pharmacotherapeutic knowledge in family medicineInterprofessional coteaching and Web-based learningRisa Bordman, Jana Bajcar, Natalie Kennie, Lisa Fernandes and Karl IglarCanadian Family Physician November 2013; 59 (11) e493-e498;
Bass, Frederic
- You have accessFront-office staff can improve clinical tobacco interventionHealth coordinator pilot projectFrederic Bass, Brigham Naish and Isaac BuwemboCanadian Family Physician November 2013; 59 (11) e499-e506;
Beaulieu, Marie-Dominique
- You have accessMessage de la présidentePasser le témoinMarie-Dominique BeaulieuCanadian Family Physician November 2013; 59 (11) 1242;
- You have accessPresident’s MessagePassing the batonMarie-Dominique BeaulieuCanadian Family Physician November 2013; 59 (11) 1241;
Bonsteel, Alan
- You have accessPatient-centred interviewing and evidence-based patient counselingAlan BonsteelCanadian Family Physician November 2013; 59 (11) e522;
Bordman, Risa
- You have accessCurriculum to enhance pharmacotherapeutic knowledge in family medicineInterprofessional coteaching and Web-based learningRisa Bordman, Jana Bajcar, Natalie Kennie, Lisa Fernandes and Karl IglarCanadian Family Physician November 2013; 59 (11) e493-e498;
Bosomworth, N. John
- You have accessFaçons d’identifier et de prendre en charge la dyslipidémie athérogèneUne conséquence métabolique de l’obésité et du diabèteN. John BosomworthCanadian Family Physician November 2013; 59 (11) e479-e491;
- You have accessApproach to identifying and managing atherogenic dyslipidemiaA metabolic consequence of obesity and diabetesN. John BosomworthCanadian Family Physician November 2013; 59 (11) 1169-1180;
Bozzo, Pina
- You have accessBotulinum toxin type A in pregnancyMichael Tan, Eunji Kim, Gideon Koren and Pina BozzoCanadian Family Physician November 2013; 59 (11) 1183-1184;
Burge, Fred
- You have accessDéfinir et mesurer une approche palliative en soins primairesJoshua D. Shadd, Fred Burge, Kelli I. Stajduhar, S. Robin Cohen, Mary Lou Kelley and Barbara PesutCanadian Family Physician November 2013; 59 (11) 1156-1157;
- You have accessDefining and measuring a palliative approach in primary careJoshua D. Shadd, Fred Burge, Kelli I. Stajduhar, S. Robin Cohen, Mary Lou Kelley and Barbara PesutCanadian Family Physician November 2013; 59 (11) 1149-1150;