Research ArticlePractice
Simplified lipid guidelines
Prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in primary care
G. Michael Allan, Adrienne J. Lindblad, Ann Comeau, John Coppola, Brianne Hudson, Marco Mannarino, Cindy McMinis, Raj Padwal, Christine Schelstraete, Kelly Zarnke, Scott Garrison, Candra Cotton, Christina Korownyk, James McCormack, Sharon Nickel and Michael R. Kolber
Canadian Family Physician October 2015; 61 (10) 857-867;
G. Michael Allan
Professor and Director of Evidence-based Medicine in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Alberta in Edmonton and Director of the Evidence and CPD program of the Alberta College of Family Physicians.
MD CCFPAdrienne J. Lindblad
Knowledge Translation and Evidence Coordinator for the Alberta College of Family Physicians and Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Alberta.
ACPR PharmDAnn Comeau
Primary Care Manager and a nurse practitioner for the Edmonton Southside Primary Care Network.
MN NP CCN(C)John Coppola
Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Medicine in the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary in Alberta.
MD CCFPBrianne Hudson
Family physician in Grande Prairie, Alta.
MD CCFPMarco Mannarino
Assistant Clinical Professor and Clinic Preceptor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Alberta.
MD CCFPCindy McMinis
Clinical Practice Leader in Pharmacy Services for Alberta Health Services in Wainwright, Alta.
Raj Padwal
Associate Professor in Clinical Epidemiology, Clinical Pharmacology, and General Internal Medicine and Director of the Hypertension Clinic at the University of Alberta.
MD MScChristine Schelstraete
Virtual care nurse for MyHome Health pilot project in the Sherwood Park-Strathcona County Primary Care Network in Alberta.
Kelly Zarnke
Associate Professor of Medicine and Head of the Division of General Internal Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary and Section Chief of General Internal Medicine for the Alberta Health Services Calgary Zone.
MD MSc FRCPCScott Garrison
Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Alberta.
MD PhD CCFPCandra Cotton
Clinical pharmacist at Saint-Vincent Hospital in Ottawa, Ont.
Christina Korownyk
Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Alberta.
MD CCFPJames McCormack
Professor in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.
PharmDSharon Nickel
Coordinator of the Evidence and CPD program of the Alberta College of Family Physicians.
Michael R. Kolber
Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Alberta.
MD CCFP MScData supplements
CFPlus Additional Information
This data supplement contains the evidence review document, a patient handout, the full disclosure of competing interests and an easy-to-print algorithm.
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In this issue
Canadian Family Physician
Vol. 61, Issue 10
1 Oct 2015
Simplified lipid guidelines
G. Michael Allan, Adrienne J. Lindblad, Ann Comeau, John Coppola, Brianne Hudson, Marco Mannarino, Cindy McMinis, Raj Padwal, Christine Schelstraete, Kelly Zarnke, Scott Garrison, Candra Cotton, Christina Korownyk, James McCormack, Sharon Nickel, Michael R. Kolber
Canadian Family Physician Oct 2015, 61 (10) 857-867;
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Simplified lipid guidelines
G. Michael Allan, Adrienne J. Lindblad, Ann Comeau, John Coppola, Brianne Hudson, Marco Mannarino, Cindy McMinis, Raj Padwal, Christine Schelstraete, Kelly Zarnke, Scott Garrison, Candra Cotton, Christina Korownyk, James McCormack, Sharon Nickel, Michael R. Kolber
Canadian Family Physician Oct 2015, 61 (10) 857-867;
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