Table of Contents
December 01, 2016; Volume 62,Issue 12
Ahmad, Farah
- You have accessBurden of common mental disorders in a community health centre sampleFarah Ahmad, Yogendra Shakya, Liane Ginsburg, Wendy Lou, Peggy T. Ng, Meb Rashid, Manuela Ferrari, Cliff Ledwos and Kwame McKenzieCanadian Family Physician December 2016; 62 (12) e758-e766;
Aichele, Jill
- You have accessFamily physician–based care of patients with serious mental illnessUsing a case-managed approachMel Krass and Jill AicheleCanadian Family Physician December 2016; 62 (12) 956-957;
- You have accessSoins aux patients souffrant de graves maladies mentales par des médecins de familleRecours à une approche axée sur le casMel Krass and Jill AicheleCanadian Family Physician December 2016; 62 (12) 969-971;
Al-imari, Lina
- You have accessPeer-support writing group in a community family medicine teaching unitFacilitating professional developmentLina Al-Imari, Jaisy Yang and Nicholas PimlottCanadian Family Physician December 2016; 62 (12) e724-e730;
Archibald, Douglas
- You have accessExtended family medicine trainingMeasuring training flows at a time of substantial pedagogic changeSteve Slade, Shelley Ross, Kathrine Lawrence, Douglas Archibald, Maria Palacios Mackay and Ivy F. OandasanCanadian Family Physician December 2016; 62 (12) e749-e757;
Beaulieu, Marie-Dominique
- You have accessThe perils and the promise of proximityDr Ian McWhinney Lecture, 2016Marie-Dominique BeaulieuCanadian Family Physician December 2016; 62 (12) 964-968;
Berringer, Ross
- You have accessSpontaneous coronary artery dissectionCase report and review of the literatureDavid Wonnacott and Ross BerringerCanadian Family Physician December 2016; 62 (12) 994-996;
- You have accessDissection spontanée de l’artère coronaireRapport de cas et revue de la littératureDavid Wonnacott and Ross BerringerCanadian Family Physician December 2016; 62 (12) e721-e723;
De Leeuw, Sarah
- You have accessViser les bonnes ciblesRéflexions sur la santé publique, la communauté et la responsabilité socialeSarah de LeeuwCanadian Family Physician December 2016; 62 (12) e777-e780;
- You have accessAiming at the right thingsReflections on public health care, community, and social accountabilitySarah de LeeuwCanadian Family Physician December 2016; 62 (12) 1000-1003;
Ferrari, Manuela
- You have accessBurden of common mental disorders in a community health centre sampleFarah Ahmad, Yogendra Shakya, Liane Ginsburg, Wendy Lou, Peggy T. Ng, Meb Rashid, Manuela Ferrari, Cliff Ledwos and Kwame McKenzieCanadian Family Physician December 2016; 62 (12) e758-e766;
Finley, Caitlin
- You have accessWhat works best for nongenital warts?Caitlin Finley, Christina Korownyk and Michael R. KolberCanadian Family Physician December 2016; 62 (12) 997;
Fulford, Casey
- You have accessApproach to risk identification in undifferentiated mental disordersJosé Silveira, Patricia Rockman, Casey Fulford and Jon HunterCanadian Family Physician December 2016; 62 (12) 972-978;
- You have accessÉvaluer les risques dans le cas de troubles mentaux indifférenciésJosé Silveira, Patricia Rockman, Casey Fulford and Jon HunterCanadian Family Physician December 2016; 62 (12) 983-990;