Article Figures & Data
BACKGROUND PHOTO Many lakes, ponds, rivers, and tributaries, like this one that flows into the Mackenzie River, have been affected by drought and forest fires over the past few years in the Northwest Territories. .
PHOTOGRAPHER Patrick Kane, Yellowknife, NWT
PHOTOS Dr Howard working with the Médecins Sans Frontières’ Balballa Slum Pediatric Malnutrition Project in Djibouti in 2010: (top) resuscitation of a recently arrived, severely malnourished child in the intensive care unit; (bottom) the day a severely malnourished child becomes well enough to reach for your stethoscope is a great day (photos taken by Abdelkadir Osman Omar).
PHOTOS (LEFT TO RIGHT) Yukon in the spring. Dr Howard and Fahima (Ayan) Waiss Chirdon after a cardiopulmonary resuscitation training session in Djibouti— long before they knew that Ayan would come to Canada. (Top) Dr Howard meeting with the Summer of Smoke Study Community Coordinator, Berna Martin. Dr Howard with daughter Vivi in the amauti out on an adventure around Great Slave Lake in Yellowknife (photo taken by Tara Marchiori). Dr Howard with colleagues Dr James Orbinski and Craig Scott, Executive Director of Ecology North, on Great Slave Lake.
BACKGROUND PHOTO Sunset over Great Slave Lake near Drybones Bay, a culturally significant area for the Dene people in the region.
PHOTOGRAPHER Patrick Kane, Yellowknife, NWT