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Family Medicine Forum Research Proceedings 2016Do urine cultures in the emergency department change management of young women with symptoms of uncomplicated urinary tract infection?Ontario data support Starfield’s theory on practice quality and costHome-based primary care for frail eldersMeasuring the social determinants of health with linked administrative dataUsing big data to understand medication adherence in ManitobaUnderstanding patient referral wait times in OntarioDevelopment of a pharmacist referral program in a primary care clinic (PREPARE)Who is providing what care?Results of a team-based lifestyle intervention in primary care to reduce metabolic syndromeQualitative study examining the experiences of patients requesting physician-assisted dying in CanadaResults of benchmarking of more than 2 years in a family medicine residency programExploring the benefits of a mandatory mindfulness workshop for third-year medical students in family medicinePractice simulated office orals as a predictor of Certification examination performance in family medicineDoes quality of care differ in different models of primary care?Prospective validation of an iOS app to evaluate tremor in patients with alcohol withdrawal syndromeImproving team-based care for childrenMental health plusEvaluating behavioural health consultation in an integrated family practice settingPatient-physician relationship in adults with severe and profound developmental disabilitiesFamily medicine residents on callHow does family medicine identity of residents develop in a longitudinal curriculum?Examination of changes in assessment information before and after implementation of the Competency-Based Achievement SystemSeasonality of ankle swellingAn eGFR obtained by MDRD equation can potentially compromise anticoagulant dosing safety in elderly patients with atrial fibrillationIs there a role for a formalized referral network for office procedures in family practice?Qualitative evaluation of an academic family practice and psychiatry shared care programHealtheSteps improves physical activity and healthy eating in adults at risk of chronic diseaseWeb communication learningLes relations juridiques entre le médecin-patron et le residentInforming a new curriculumDetection of residents in difficulty is enhanced when assessors write more and better commentsUnderstanding antimicrobial prescribing in primary careInfluence of cognitive rest and graduated return to usual activitiesMental health e-screening during pregnancyWhat to say if your patients ask about tai chiUtility of a mobile application using an algorithmic approach to clinical reasoning difficultiesAssociation between primary care attachment and poor glycemic control in diabetesGaps in evidenceToward understanding chaperone use during intimate clinical examinationsWomen’s experience of trauma-informed care in the context of family medicine chronic disease managementFamily physicians’ roles in caring for patients with end-stage 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pilot programSubstance abuse among immigrant youthBarriers to breast cancer screening among immigrant populationsExploring new immigrants’ need for mental health services in Regina, Sask, to improve service deliveryAddressing social determinants of healthCLEAR Toolkit advanced pilot studyEvaluating the efficacy of Varsity DocsIntegrative review and analysis of psychometric properties of patient satisfaction tools aimed at primary carePatients’ perspectives of block feesMy patients can’t afford their medsUsing clinical encounter information from an EMR as a source of needs assessment for CPDImportance of data cleaning when reporting aggregated statistics from electronic medical record systems dataResponding to the health needs of the populationProject facilitation in primary careScope of practice of family medicine graduates who completed rural versus urban residency programs, by practice locationEncouraging careers in family medicinePerceptions and experiences of family medicine residents regarding prenatal screening and related ethical issuesImproving family medicine residents’ knowledge of deprescribing in the elderlyEnvironmental health attitudes, knowledge, and learning needs of family medicine residentsAssessing exposure to and education on abortion during training and future intention to provide abortion among Canadian family medicine residentsExercise medicine in residencyNovel approach to documenting assessed maternal and newborn care competenceCanadian national survey on point-of-care ultrasound training in family medicine residency programsRevisiting the Impact of Cultural Differences on Residency Experiences (ICDRE) surveyFeedback on feedbackEnhanced skills in health equity and global healthCompetency-based assessment in sport and exercise medicine enhanced skills resident programsPhysician education on decision-making capacity assessmentDigging into why residents fail the CFPC examinationSelected specialized activities in the family medicine residency curriculum at Laval UniversityStrengths and weaknesses found in Canadian family medicine residency programs during accreditation visitsKnowledge translation of pain-reduction strategies in childhood vaccinations among health care professionalsMethodologic quality and reporting in pediatric preventive care recommendationsPatient characteristics and beliefs influencing influenza vaccination uptake at SETFHTScoping review of the benefits and risks of domperidone as a galactagogueEffect of family physicians’ prenatal breastfeeding counseling on maternal breastfeeding practices in Calgary, AltaIdentifying risk factors of concussion injury among NHL playersConcussions and the need to standardize careSystematic review of therapy for concussion and mild brain injuryTobacco control research trends from the past decadeCritical review of effectiveness and tobacco-dependence treatment interventionsBarriers and facilitators to diabetes carePsychosocial diagnoses occurring after patients present with fatigueWhat’s new in infectious disease?Stool softeners for constipationGenetic testing of patients with first unprovoked venous thromboembolic eventsPrevalence of coronary artery disease in a Saskatchewan family medicine clinicPreliminary evaluation of an intervention to improve supportive care for caregivers of patients with cancerShared medical appointmentsBeliefs and experiences of palliative care patients and their physicians when using cannabinoids for careMannitol cream in the treatment of postherpetic neuralgiaDeveloping an intervention to improve opioid guideline adherence using a behaviour change framework and theoryMeasurement of medication discrepancies and use of medication wallet cards to increase patient self-efficacyVancouver, BC
Shelley McLeod, Carol Mulder, Margaret McGregor, Alan Katz, Alexander Singer, Clare Liddy, Arden Barry, Joseph Eibl, Doug Klein, Sheila Holmes, Gary Viner, Millaray Sanchez Campos, Kendall Noel, Alan Katz, Bjug Borgundvaag, Jolanda Turley, Martina Kelly, Joachim Sehrbrock, Katherine Stringer, Adam Jones-Delcorde, Natasha Aziz, Shelley Ross, Fangwei Liu, Anwar Parbtani, Annabeth Loveys, Eva Knifed, Cassandra L. Bartol, Emma Glaser, Gabrielle Trepanier, Melissa Nutik, Shelley Ross, Alexander Singer, Catherine Varner, Anne Biringer, Patricia Huston, Elisabeth Boileau, Kerry McBrien, Lee Green, Sonya Lee, Eva Purkey, Kori LaDonna, Kevin Pottie, Sean Skeldon, Alexander Singer, June C. Carroll, Sarah Simkin, Cassandra Hoggard, Larkin Lamarche, Anne-Sophie Grenon, Melody Monro, Ginah Kim, Ellen Wiebe, Carol P. Herbert, Kimberly Wintemute, Shivani Felicia Chandrakumar, Yvonne Blonde, Syed Walid Ahmed, Tanvir Chowdhury Turin, Clara Rocha Michaels, Emily Corbould, Tal Cantor, Jennifer Cape, Frédéric Douville, Eva Knifed, Eileen Ten Cate, Pamela Snow, David Parker, Nick Busing, Frank Sullivan, Doug Myhre, David Snadden, Adeela Arooj, Lesley Leung, Mehvish Mehrani, Daniel Myran, Kara Solmundson, Gary Viner, Shuo Peng, Douglas Archibald, Jane Griffiths, Russell Dawe, Constance Lebrun, Lesley Charles, Shirley Schipper, Véronique Fournier, Keith Wycliffe-Jones, Christina Fung, Gabriel Cartman, Alexis Pizale, Danielle Carpentier, Ibiye Briggs, Laurence Biro, Shelina Babul, Roger E. Thomas, Gayle Halas, Annette Schultz, Michelle Zeng, Peter Reagh MacKean, Patricia Huston, Janice Mann, Janice Mann, Natasha Desjardins, Michèle Aubin, Erin Palmer, Amrish Joshi, Helene Bertrand, Caitlyn Timmings, Rimpy Cheema, Elizabeth Poon, Lauren Self, Sean Caine, Bjug Borgundvaag, Rick Glazier, Frank Sullivan, George Southey, Jay Slater, John Sloan, Lisa Ronald, Jeff Poss, Michelle Cox, Kim McGrail, Dan Chateau, Jeff Valdivia, Carole Taylor, Scott McCollough, Randy Walld, Alan Katz, Lisa Lix, Lois Crowe, Shelagh McRae, Ariana Mihan, Nikhat Nawar, Christopher Russell, Derek McLellan, Erin Keely, Katie Anderson, Victoria Nguyen, David Marsh, Ellen Wiebe, Amelia Nuhn, Judy Illes, Alanna Just, Douglas Archibald, Eric Wooltorton, Alison Eyre, Doug Archibald, Joseph Burns, Diana Koszycki, Heather MacLean, Veronique Duchesne, Carol Gonsalves, Douglas Archibald, Carlos Brailovsky, Dan Chateau, Jeff Valdivia, Carole Taylor, Scott McCollough, Randy Walld, Shelley McLeod, Taylor Dear, Sally Carver, Narges Norouzi, Simon Bromberg, Meldon Kahan, Sara Gray, Parham Aarabi, Grace Warmels, Sharon Johnston, Tamara Pringsheim, Angela Nguan, Bridget L. Ryan, Amanda L. Terry, Ekaterina Slivko, Karen Schultz, Shirley Schipper, Pawandeep Kaur, Jamie Stobart, Paul Humphries, Mike Donoff, G. Michael Allan, Christina Korownyk, Michael Kolber, Nigel Flook, Harvey Sternberg, Scott Garrison, Gaurav Dhindsa, Nicholas Howell, Purti Papneja, Nathaniel Charach, Amy Cheung, Nikola Grujich, Dawn P. Gill, Roseanne Pulford, Parinha K. Simmavong, Wendy M. Blunt, Robert J. Petrella, Claude Richard, Marie-Thérèse Lussier, Azadeh Moaveni, Ruby Alvi, James Owen, Risa Freeman, Orysya Svystun, Mike Donoff, Shirley Schipper, Paul Humphries, Sergio Fanella, Kevin Hamilton, Ashley Walus, Leanne Kosowan, Shelley McLeod, Negine Nahiddi, Rosamond Lougheed, Bjug Borgundvaag, Sheila McDonald, Marie-Paule Austin, Paula Harvalik, Sander Veldhuyzen van Zanten, Rebecca Giallo, Gerri Lasiuk, Glenda McQueen, Wendy Sword, Lydia Vermeyden, Dawn Kingston, Bruce McFarlane, Christina St-Onge, Marie-Claude Audétat, Marcello Tonelli, Robert Weaver, Brenda Hemmelgarn, Alun Edwards, Braden Manns, Nicole Olivier, Michael Kolber, Christina Korownyk, G. Michael Allan, Sandee Foss, Michele Hannay, Mark A. Watt, Laurie Deboer, Kylie Kidd Wagner, Barbra McCaffrey, Eileen Patterson, Salim Ahmed, Tanvir Chowdhury Turin, Tracey Beckett, Francoise Mathieu, Rupa Patel, Laura Nimmon, Joshua Shad, Gil Kimel, Joanna Bates, Vivian Welch, Caroline Gaudet, Micere Thuku, Simone Dahrouge, Danielle Rolfe, Mélanie Ann Smithman, Shannon Spenceley, Ryan Mallard, Lucy Cheng, Steven Morgan, Allan Detsky, Larry Goldenberg, Michael Law, Leanne Kosowan, Rasheda Rabanni, Michelle Greiver, Sheryl Spithoff, Natalie Baker, Corinne Daly, Erin D. Kennedy, Steven Gallinger, Linda Rabeneck, Jill Tinmouth, Nancy N. Baxter, Simone Dahrouge, Ivy Bourgeault, Doug Oliver, Laura Cleghorn, Lisa Dolovich, Michele MacDonald Werstuck, Glenda Pauw, Martha Bauer, Laura Doyle, Colleen McPhee, Colleen O’Neill, Dale Guenter, Samantha Winemaker, Joy White, Marjorie Panneton, Sabrina Leclair, Mathieu Pelletier, Margaret McGregor, Jay Slater, John Sloan, Johanna Trimble, Alexis Kezirian, Renata Leong, Irene Ying, William Watson, Sheila Holmes, Amelia Nuhn, Judy Illes, Alanna Just, Annette Browne, Colleen Varcoe, Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Nadine Wathen, Michelle Greiver, Gary Bloch, Leila Makhani, Aisha Lofters, Ashna Bowry, James Dixon, Sunny Lee, Mahli Brindamour, Anne Leis, Lori Hanson, Salim Ahmed, Nahid Rumana, Tanvir Chowdhury Turin, Mahzabin Ferdous, Salim Ahmed, Nahid Rumana, Rejina Kamrul, Mamata Panday, Andrew Bond, Rami Shoucri, Carole Laforest, Leslie Malloyweir, Rosie Khurana, Jill Torrie, Anne Andermann, Anne Anderman, Joyce Nyhof-Young, Jean-Sébastien Renaud, Nicholas Howell, Danielle Martin, Emilie Boucher, Babak Aliarzadeh, Eric Mang, Steven G. Morgan, Chris Simpson, Emmanuelle Britton, Danielle Martin, Marshall Godwin, Julia Langton, FeiFei Wang, Sabrina T. Wong, Justin Joschko, Ivanka Pribramska, Rabiya Siddiqui, Saddaf Syed, Olga Szafran, Shirley Schipper, James Dickinson, Fred Janke, Chris Lovato, Helen Hsu, Angela Towle, Oscar Casiro, Joanna Bates, Saadia Hameed, Jennifer Jayakar, Deanna Telner, Christopher Frank, Margaret Sanborn, Lawrence Grierson, Ross Upshur, Cathy Vakil, Lynn Marshall, Fran Scott, Lauren Griffith, Donald Cole, Jillian Bardsley, Kristine Whitehead, Michael Koehle, Don McKenzie, Kristine Whitehead, Douglas Archibald, Eric Wooltorton, Alison Eyre, David Braganza, Taft Micks, Pamela Doran, Patti McCarthy, Kyle Sue, Jeffrey Hall, Harland Holman, Danielle O’Keefe, Peter Steinmetz, Peter Rogers, Dorota Szczepanik, Alison Eyre, Kirsten Desjardins-Lorimer, Nancy Dalgarno, Karen Schultz, Andrea Pike, Jill Allison, Monica Kidd, Lisa Fischer, Terra Manca, Susan Ferbey, Sandra Shaw, Michel Donoff, Robin Wiley, Preston Wiley, Victor Lun, Shelley Ross, Jasneet Parmar, Suzette Bremault-Phillips, Bonnie Dobbs, Lori Sacrey, Bryan Slugett, Shelley Ross, Carlos Brailovsky, Judith Belle Brown, Maude Deschênes, Jean-Sébastien Renaud, Miriam Lacasse, Josée D’Amours, Christian Rheault, Annie St-Pierre, Shirley Schipper, Ric Almond, Judith Scott, Faizah Ilyas, Krishin Singh, Alexiel Zhang, Hyejee Ohm, Leslie Rourke, Denis Leduc, Patricia Li, Kara Wollach, Sam Tirkos, Andrew Andrawes, Martina Kelly, Grace Perez, Monica Kidd, Carmen Baker, Anthony Wan, Paul Klas, Laura Bolt, Peter Tanner, Kate Turcotte, Jorge Alves, Rosana Magalhaes, Marcus M. Vaska, Annette Schultz, Janet Rothney, Pam Wener, Jennifer Enns, Maxine Holmqvist, Alan Katz, Gayle Halas, Kylee Hurl, Janet Rothney, Pam Wener, Jennifer Enns, Maxine Holmqvist, Alan Katz, David Nicholas, Jazmin Marlinga, Linda Au, Braden Manns, Alan Edwards, Christopher Naugler, Kerry McBrien, Moira Stewart, Heather L. Maddocks, Wendy Prichett-Pejic, Aleksandra Grobelna, Eftyhia Helis, Karen Cimon, Anthony Budden, Eftyhia Helis, Kristine Pederson, Kevin Wasko, Kelechi Eguzo, Lucie Vézina, René Verreault, Sébastien Simard, Lise Tremblay, Jean-François Desbiens, Serge Dumont, Maman Joyce Dogba, Pierre Gagnon, Sara Davidson, Pippa Hawley, Marylene Kyriazis, Dean Reeves, An Lin Cheng, Tess Debelle, Pamela Leece, Julia Moore, Yalnee Shantharam, Andrea Furlan, Stephanie Kwolek, Justin Frias, Dee Mangin, Ainsley Moore and Muhib Masrur
Canadian Family Physician February 2017; 63 (2) S1-S108;