Dear Colleagues,
Later this month, we will celebrate the first anniversary of Mainpro+. The National Committee on Continuing Professional Development (NCCPD) recently reviewed the milestones achieved and considered future developments. The original version of Mainpro was introduced in 1995. The importance of reflective learning was introduced through Mainpro-C activities. We aim, with the current version of Mainpro+, to incorporate advancements in continuing professional development (CPD), foster participation in activities known to have a substantial effect on practice, and recognize the learning that members engage in that goes beyond the CanMEDS–Family Medicine clinical expert role, while acknowledging the many ways members learn (group learning, self-learning, and assessment). So, where are we a year later?
Part of our evaluation of Mainpro+ has included a postlaunch survey of 10 000 Mainpro+ participants (active members, non-members, and residents). Results indicate that the new Mainpro+ requirements are well understood by most. As of November 2016, 11 307 family physicians had used the Mainpro+ reporting platform more than 32 000 times. We have also noted increased reporting of self-directed CPD activities, such as Linking Learning to Practice, since the launch.
An important element introduced with Mainpro+ has been the impact assessment: 6 questions that members are required to answer to have their submitted credit activities validated (similar to the POEMs questions). Education literature tells us that CPD is most effective with reflection on a particular activity. We are early in the evaluation of this, and are impressed that this information will assist us in identifying high-quality programming based on your feedback, and in perceiving the presence or absence of bias. This information will also help us in the journey of identifying the most effective CPD activities, as well as in future policy development work in CPD. To date, approximately 115 000 impact assessments have been completed.
Based on feedback from program providers and reviewers, plans are under way to streamline CERT+, the online platform used by CPD providers to seek accreditation or certification of CPD activities, in order to enhance the user experience, reduce duplication of information, and improve communication to program providers.
Increased rigour around certification requirements for CPD programs was introduced with Mainpro+. Despite a slightly lower number of submissions for certification, we are pleased to note an increase in the number of sessions held in the past year, compared with the same time the year before. We also are pleased to report a higher number of 2- and 3-credit-per-hour activities than originally anticipated. This, we hope, speaks to the interest of program providers and members in creating and participating in high-quality, interactive learning, with learning reinforcement incorporated into programming.
We recognize that the launch of Mainpro+ and CERT+ has not been without its challenges. You need to know that CPD staff, NCCPD committee members, and the directors of the CFPC board are aware of the need to balance our standard-setting role with a good user experience. This is a journey, and evolution will be part of it. As we move forward, I thank the CFPC NCCPD members, the Mainpro+ Standards Working Group, and the CPD staff for their sustained work and engagement. I also thank Dr Jamie Meuser, Executive Director of Professional Development and Practice Support, for his leadership at the helm of this portfolio for the past 6 years and for his personal level of support. We are pleased that Dr Jeff Sisler has agreed to take on the stewardship of this important portfolio, starting in August.
I thank Dr Janice Harvey for her assistance in producing this article, and Dr Jamie Meuser and Ms Amy Outschoorn for their review of this article.
Cet article se trouve aussi en français à la page 495.
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