Education and counseling | | |
• Calcium intake2,3 | 1000–1200 mg daily | Osteoporosis Canada (2010) Health Canada (2010) |
• Vitamin D intake2,4 | 400–1000 IU daily for low risk 800–1000 IU (up to 2000 IU) if aged ≥ 50 y | Osteoporosis Canada (2010) SOGC (2014) |
Physical examination | | |
• BP5 | Removal of the previous guidelines for different BP goals for the elderly (systolic BP < 150 mm Hg if aged ≥ 80 y) Consideration to target systolic BP < 120 mm Hg in high-risk patients | Hypertension Canada (2018) |
Functional inquiry | | |
• Cognitive impairment6 | Do not screen asymptomatic adults (≥ 65 y of age) for cognitive impairment | CTFPHC (2015) |
Laboratory tests and Investigations | | |
• AAA7 | One-time screening with ultrasound for AAA for men aged 65–80 y Do not screen men > 80 y of age for AAA Do not screen women for AAA
| CTFPHC (2017) |
• Hepatitis C8 | Do not routinely screen for hepatitis C if not at elevated risk | CTFPHC (2017) |
• Lung cancer9 | Screen those aged 55–74 y with > 30 pack-year smoking history or who quit < 15 y ago with low-dose CT Do not use chest x-ray scanning for screening | CTFPHC (2016) |
• Colorectal cancer10 | Screen with FIT or FOBT every 2 y, or flexible sigmoidoscopy every 10 y, if aged 50–75 y Do not use colonoscopy for screening | CTFPHC (2016) |
• Dyslipidemia11,12 | Screen with nonfasting lipid profile in men aged ≥ 40 y, women aged ≥ 40 y (or postmenopausal), or earlier if at increased risk | CCS (2016) Simplified lipid guidelines (2015) |
Immunizations | | |
• Pneumococcal vaccination13 | Give Pneu-P-23 vaccine to all adults ≥ 65 y Can also give Pneu-C-13 vaccine to those at high risk or to reduce individual risk if ≥ 65 y | PHAC (2016) |
• HPV vaccination13 | To men and women with no upper age limit, if at ongoing risk | PHAC (2018) |
• Herpes zoster vaccination13 | Recombinant herpes zoster vaccine in those aged ≥ 50 y | PHAC (2018) |