July marks the start of residency, and the beginning of a career in family medicine, for the record 1627 new postgraduate year 1 (PGY1) residents joining our specialty this year. This is more residents than ever before and an increase of almost 100 more than last year.1 The increase in PGY1 family medicine residents reflects the ongoing implementation of expansion plans for family medicine programs across the country. Further growth is expected in coming years as provinces invest in education to address family physician shortages faced by all regions.
This year also includes more family medicine residents than ever from medical schools outside Canada, with 483 (approximately 30%) new PGY1 residents in this category.2 At the same time, the number of Canadian medical school graduates choosing family medicine remained stable, but with room to grow. This is good news. It shows more people are recognizing the joy of family medicine and the opportunities a career in this field has to offer.
Family medicine is a rewarding career, one that continues to bring me a sense of fulfillment and joy. I love the flexibility and various ways I can help patients while also improving health care systems through research. Family medicine is the only specialty that allows physicians to offer comprehensive, full-scope care across the entire lifespan, while also offering space to include special interests and meet community needs in particular areas of care.
We also enjoy a range of opportunities outside direct clinical care, including leadership, advocacy, research, quality improvement, and medical education. I have read 3 excellent books from family medicine leaders that demonstrate the depth of engagement and knowledge in these areas: Dr Jane Philpott’s Health for All: A Doctor’s Prescription for a Healthier Canada, Dr Danielle Martin’s Better Now: Six Big Ideas to Improve Health Care for All Canadians, and Dr John M. Maxted’s To Be A Family Doctor … and More Than That! If you have time over the summer, I would recommend reading them.
As a community preceptor and academic family physician, I have had the opportunity to meet many PGY1 residents over the years. I am always impressed with their enthusiasm and commitment to a lifelong journey as a family physician. To those who are joining our specialty this year, you are starting your career at a critical yet exciting time, as family physicians across Canada work to implement necessary changes in practice to lay the foundation for you to thrive and enjoy fulfilling careers.
I wish each family medicine resident a happy and successful career and welcome you as members of the CFPC. I encourage you to get involved in your provincial Chapter and in the CFPC’s Section of Residents and to attend virtual or in-person events. Another way to get involved is by sharing your perspective in a Residents’ Corner article in Canadian Family Physician. For more details, see the call for submissions3 at https://www.cfp.ca/content/68/11/862.
Cet article se trouve aussi en français à la page 519.
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