To sign up as a reviewer, please go to the CFP Manuscript Central site at:
Why should you review for Canadian Family Physician?
At Canadian Family Physician (CFP) we depend upon peer review to ensure that the material we publish is accurate and relevant. You can contribute to the quality of our journal by acting as a reviewer.
Who can be a peer reviewer?
Every physician is eligible to perform peer review. Most of CFP’s reviewers are physicians practising family medicine or other specialties. Many are also engaged in research, medical writing and/or teaching.
How does peer review work?
Physicians interested in peer review can go the CFP Manuscript Central site (below) and follow the directions there to create an account. This will include listing areas of interest and expertise.
Once you have created an account with a valid e-mail address, you will automatically be added to CFP's reviewer database and may be contacted to review articles.
When an article matching your areas of interest and expertise is received, you may be invited to perform a review. If you accept, you will be provided with instructions, guidelines and checklists through Manuscript Central.
Earn Mainpro+ credits
Manuscript review is eligible for one Mainpro+ non-certified Assessment credit per hour of participation. Please enter your credits as non-certified "Manuscript review" in your Mainpro+ dashboard. Those interested in claiming Mainpro+ certified credits may complete a Linking Learning to Assessment exercise. Please refer to for more details.
Please take the following steps to become a peer reviewer:
1. Go to the CFP Manuscript Central site at:
2. On the upper right side of the page, click the link "Create Account"
3. Fill in all of the required information
To read Manuscript Central's Reviewer Guide for more information, click HERE.