RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Eating fish during pregnancy. Risk of exposure to toxic levels of methylmercury. JF Canadian Family Physician JO Can Fam Physician FD The College of Family Physicians of Canada SP 1619 OP 1621 VO 48 IS 10 A1 Yagev, Yaron A1 Koren, Gideon YR 2002 UL http://www.cfp.ca/content/48/10/1619.abstract AB QUESTION: One of my pregnant patients consumes four cans of tuna a week. She became very concerned when she read that tuna contains methylmercury, which is toxic to the fetal brain. How should I advise her? ANSWER: Fresh tuna might contain toxic levels of methylmercury, but levels are much lower in canned tuna. Reassure your patient that eating canned tuna will not harm her or her baby.