PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Glatstein, Miguel Marcelo AU - Garcia-Bournissen, Facundo AU - Finkelstein, Yaron AU - Koren, Gideon TI - Methadone exposure during lactation DP - 2008 Dec 01 TA - Canadian Family Physician PG - 1689--1690 VI - 54 IP - 12 4099 - 4100 - SO - Can Fam Physician2008 Dec 01; 54 AB - QUESTION One of my patients is currently using methadone for maintenance of opioid dependence. She wants to breastfeed. Is breastfeeding safe for her infant? ANSWER The exposure of infants to methadone through their mothers’ breast milk is minimal. Women using methadone for treatment of opioid dependence should not be discouraged from breastfeeding. The benefits of breastfeeding largely outweigh any theoretical minimal risks.