RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Getting it right from birth to kindergarten JF Canadian Family Physician JO Can Fam Physician FD The College of Family Physicians of Canada SP 355 OP 359 VO 59 IS 4 A1 Rourke, Leslie A1 Leduc, Denis A1 Constantin, Evelyn A1 Carsley, Sarah A1 Rourke, James A1 Li, Patricia YR 2013 UL http://www.cfp.ca/content/59/4/355.abstract AB Objective To provide an overview of the 2011 edition of the Rourke Baby Record (RBR), which includes developments on its website and new related initiatives that incorporate recent literature on preventive health care for children aged 0 to 5 years. Quality of evidence As in past RBR editions, recommendations are identified as supported by good, fair, or consensus evidence, according to the classifications adopted by the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care in 2011. Main message New information and recommendations are given for growth monitoring, nutrition, physical examination maneuvers, and immunizations for varicella, pneumococcus, meningococcus, and rotavirus. There is now good evidence for converting to the World Health Organization growth charts adapted for Canada, universal newborn hearing screening, and use of immunization pain reduction strategies. Anticipatory guidance has been updated for safe sleeping, health supervision of foster children, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, lead and anemia screening risk factors, and dental care and oral health. New RBR website items include a parent resources section, modifications for unique populations such as those living in Nunavut, a version of the RBR that highlights what has changed from the 2009 version for quick viewing, and an expansion of the “Explore the RBR” feature with associated links to relevant information. A one-visit-per-page format is now available. The 2011 RBR is endorsed by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Canadian Paediatric Society, and is available in English and French in national and Ontario versions. Conclusion The 2011 RBR is an updated, evidence-based, practical knowledge translation tool for preventive health care for infants from birth to age 5 years that includes extensive Web-based resources for health care professionals, students, residents, and parents.