RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Risks of untreated depression in pregnancy JF Canadian Family Physician JO Can Fam Physician FD The College of Family Physicians of Canada SP 242 OP 243 VO 60 IS 3 A1 Chan, Justin A1 Natekar, Aniket A1 Einarson, Adrienne A1 Koren, Gideon YR 2014 UL http://www.cfp.ca/content/60/3/242.abstract AB Question In my family practice, I tell my female patients of reproductive age who have depression that untreated depression in pregnancy might be more harmful than the unproven risks of antidepressants. However, I recently read in a national news magazine that there is actually no evidence for this advice. Have I missed something?Answer You did not miss anything, so you should continue to advise your pregnant patients as before. News magazines can have substantial bias, as the reporters often only interview “experts” who support their beliefs, as was probably the case in this article. Most glaringly, in this instance, no perinatal psychiatrists were interviewed and none of the experts were clinically involved with pregnant women. We believe that media statements like the one you mentioned might lead women to abruptly discontinue their antidepressants, putting themselves at risk of relapse, hospitalization, and even suicide. Your balancing role in providing your patient with evidence-based information is critical.