PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Audétat, Marie-Claude AU - Voirol, Christian AU - Béland, Normand AU - Fernandez, Nicolas AU - Sanche, Gilbert TI - Remediation plans in family medicine residency DP - 2015 Sep 01 TA - Canadian Family Physician PG - e425--e434 VI - 61 IP - 9 4099 - 4100 - SO - Can Fam Physician2015 Sep 01; 61 AB - Objective To assess use of the remediation instrument that has been implemented in training sites at the University of Montreal in Quebec to support faculty in diagnosing and remediating resident academic difficulties, to examine whether and how this particular remediation instrument improves the remediation process, and to determine its effects on the residents’ subsequent rotation assessments.Design A multimethods approach in which data were collected from different sources: remediation plans developed by faculty, program statistics for the corresponding academic years, and students’ academic records and rotation assessment results.Setting Family medicine residency program at the University of Montreal.Participants Family medicine residents in academic difficulty.Main outcome measures Assessment of the content, process, and quality of remediation plans, and students’ academic and rotation assessment results (successful, below expectations, or failure) both before and after the remediation period.Results The framework that was developed for assessing remediation plans was used to analyze 23 plans produced by 10 teaching sites for 21 residents. All plans documented cognitive problems and implemented numerous remediation measures. Although only 48% of the plans were of good quality, implementation of a remediation plan was positively associated with the resident’s success in rotations following the remediation period.Conclusion The use of remediation plans is well embedded in training sites at the University of Montreal. The residents’ difficulties were mainly cognitive in nature, but this generally related to deficits in clinical reasoning rather than knowledge gaps. The reflection and analysis required to produce a remediation plan helps to correct many academic difficulties and normalize the academic career of most residents in difficulty. Further effort is still needed to improve the quality of plans and to support teachers.