RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 What is narrative-based medicine? JF Canadian Family Physician JO Can Fam Physician FD The College of Family Physicians of Canada SP 176 OP 180 VO 64 IS 3 A1 Zaharias, George YR 2018 UL http://www.cfp.ca/content/64/3/176.abstract AB Objective To raise awareness of narrative-based medicine (NBM) as a valuable approach to the consultation, which, if practised more widely by GPs, would convey considerable benefits to both patients and physicians.Sources of information Principally, the perspectives of 2 of NBM’s key proponents, Rita Charon and John Launer.Main message This first in a series of 3 articles outlines what NBM is and its benefits. In holding the patient story as central, NBM shifts the doctor’s focus from the need to problem solve to the need to understand. As a result, the patient-doctor relationship is strengthened and the patient’s needs and concerns are addressed more effectively and with improved health outcomes.Conclusion The healing power of narrative is repeatedly attested to but the scientific evidence is sparse. If NBM is to be incorporated more broadly in clinical practice, more research is needed to better define NBM’s role, understand the specific skills required for practice, and determine NBM’s outcomes with respect to illness and disease.