RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Diabetes Canada 2018 clinical practice guidelines JF Canadian Family Physician JO Can Fam Physician FD The College of Family Physicians of Canada SP 14 OP 24 VO 65 IS 1 A1 Ivers, Noah M. A1 Jiang, Maggie A1 Alloo, Javed A1 Singer, Alexander A1 Ngui, Daniel A1 Casey, Carolyn Gall A1 Yu, Catherine H. YR 2019 UL http://www.cfp.ca/content/65/1/14.abstract AB Objective To summarize the 2018 Diabetes Canada clinical practice guidelines, focusing on high-priority recommendations for FPs managing people who live with type 2 diabetes.Quality of evidence A prioritization process was conducted to focus the efforts of Diabetes Canada’s guideline dissemination and implementation efforts. The resulting identified key messages for FPs to consider when managing patients with type 2 diabetes are described. Evidence supporting the guideline recommendations ranges from levels I to IV and grades A to D.Main message Three key messages were identified from the 2018 guidelines as priorities for FPs: discussing opportunities to reduce the risk of diabetes complications, discussing opportunities to ensure safety and prevent hypoglycemia, and discussing progress on self-management goals and addressing barriers. A theme cutting across these key messages was the need to tailor discussions to the needs and preferences of each person. These important guideline recommendations are highlighted, along with information about relevant tools for implementing the recommendations in real-world practice.Conclusion High-quality diabetes care involves a series of periodic conversations about self-management and about pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments that fit with each patient’s goals (ie, shared decision making). Incorporating these conversations into regular practice provides FPs with opportunities to maximize likely benefits of treatments and decrease the risk of harms, to support patients in initiating and sustaining desired lifestyle changes, and to help patients cope with the burdens of diabetes and comorbid conditions.