Table 1

Initial evaluation of patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

DyspneaMedical Research Council dyspnea grade (disease severity)
Exposure historySmoking, airborne pollutants
Family historyα1-Antitrypsin deficiency
ExaminationBody mass index, edema, side effects of corticosteroids
SpirometryConfirm diagnosis
Chest x-ray scanRule out other causes or comorbidity
Arterial blood gas test (if FEV1 is < 40% of predicted)Assess for hypoxemia and hypercapnia
Exercise testing6-min walk test or cardiopulmonary exercise test
Sputum inductionEvaluate for eosinophilic or neutrophilic bronchitis
Bone densitometryAssess for osteopenia and osteoporosis
EchocardiogramAssess cardiac function and pulmonary hypertension
Screening for depression or anxietyLook for comorbid psychiatric symptoms
  • FEV1—forced expiratory volume of air in 1 second.