Table 1

Characteristics of FPs who locum for ≥ 6 mo/y compared with those of FPs who locum < 6 mo/y and those of all FPs:There was no significant difference in satisfaction with current professional life between those who locum for ≥ 6 mo/y and those who locum for < 6 mo/y; all other comparisons were statistically significant at P = .05.

CHARACTERISTICSFPs WHO LOCUM FOR ≥ 6 MO/Y (N = 645), %FPs WHO LOCUM FOR < 6 MO/Y (N = 3206), %ALL FPs (N = 30 393), %
Aged < 35y39219
Self-described FPs785458
Self-described FPs with special focuses to their practices203930
Married or living with partners748085
Satisfied with their current professional lives767775
Satisfied with the balance between personal and professional commitments666056