Table 3

Test-retest Spearman correlation for items with an ordinal response

PO can significantly enhance diagnostic accuracy of AOM0.760Good
PO can significantly enhance diagnostic accuracy of OME0.737Good
PO is too technically difficult to perform0.322Fair
I feel comfortable using PO0.673Good
PO is too time-consuming0.714Good
PO needs a cooperative patient0.682Good
My colleagues use PO regularly0.453Good
I often doubt my findings on PO0.410Good
PO yields little additional information0.762Good
Duration of antimicrobial therapy0.785Good
Time to reexamine children with AOM0.722Good
Referral for ventilation tube placement0.699Good
Comprehensive knowledge score0.661Good
  • * A Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.00–0.29 represents poor test-retest reliability; 0.30–0.39 is fair; 0.40–0.79 is good; 0.80–1.00 is very good.

  • AOM—acute otitis media, OME—otitis media with effusion, PO—pneumatic otoscopy.