Table 4

Tobacco use and alcohol consumption of physician respondents by sex: N = 3213.

How often do you now smoke cigarettes?< .001
 • Daily888
 • Occasionally646
 • Not at all878886
When did you stop smoking cigarettes? (ex-smokers only).0009
 • < 1 y ago323
 • 1–2 y ago323
 • 3–5 y ago444
  • > 5 y ago909290
In the past month have you done the following?
 • Smoked cigars415<.001
 • Used chewing tobacco or snuff0.40.30.4<.0358
 • Smoked a pipe0.411< .001
 • Smoked part or all of a cigarette435< .001
How often do you now drink alcohol?.001
 • Less than once a mo202517
 • Once a mo575
 • 2–3 times a mo121410
 • Once a wk151416
 • 2–3 times a wk232323
 • 4–6 times a wk191421
 • Every day739
How many drinks do you average when you drink?< .001
 • 1 drink485843
 • 2 drinks383440
 • 3 drinks10513
 • 4 drinks313
 • 5 drinks0.311
 • ≥ 6 drinks111
How often in the past 12 mo have you had ≥ 5 drinks on 1 occasion?< .001
 • Never708164
 • Less than once a mo211524
 • Once a mo526
 • 2–3 times a mo313
 • Once a wk10.42
 • More than once a wk111