Table 7

Personal and professional attitudes of physician respondents toward physician health practices by sex: N = 3213; P < .001.

I feel I am perceived as being more professional if I live a more balanced life
 • Strongly agree232323
 • Agree515052
 • Neither agree nor disagree181918
 • Disagree786
 • Strongly disagree111
I feel that I have a good balance between work and other activities in my life
 • Strongly agree141414
 • Agree434244
 • Neither agree nor disagree181819
 • Disagree212220
 • Strongly disagree443
My work environment generally encourages me to be healthy
 • Strongly agree666
 • Agree282629
 • Neither agree nor disagree363636
 • Disagree242623
 • Strongly disagree665
If I can, I work when I am ill
 • Strongly agree191919
 • Agree616261
 • Neither agree nor disagree989
 • Disagree101010
 • Strongly disagree111
If I can, I take care of my own medical needs
 • Strongly agree998
 • Agree495248
 • Neither agree nor disagree171419
 • Disagree222222
 • Strongly disagree333
I know of resources that I would feel comfortable using if I needed help for a physical health problem
 • Strongly agree202119
 • Agree656565
 • Neither agree nor disagree10810
 • Disagree555
 • Strongly disagree111
I know of resources that I would feel comfortable using if I needed help for a mental health/substance use problem
 • Strongly agree141513
 • Agree555456
 • Neither agree nor disagree161417
 • Disagree131412
 • Strongly disagree232