Table 3

Anticonvulsant doses and side effects

PhenytoinNA200–500 mg/d in single or divided dosesDrug-drug interactions including dexamethasone, CNS (ataxia), liver, GI, dermatologic, hirsutism, anemia, osteoporosis
Carbamazepine200 mg/d; increase by 200 mg/wk300–1600 mg/d in 3–4 divided doses or 2 divided doses if long-actingDrug-drug interactions, SIADH, CNS (sedation, vertigo, ataxia, diplopia), myelotoxicity
Valproic acid15 mg/kg daily; 250–500 mg/d, increased weekly by 250 mg/wk1000–3000 mg/d, up to 60 mg/kg daily (check serum levels) in 3 divided doses or 2 divided doses if long-acting; decrease dose if hepatic failure occursDrug-drug interactions, CNS (ataxia, tremors, sedation), weight gain, hair loss, GI, thrombocytopenia, liver toxicity
Oxcarbazepine300–600 mg/d900–2400 mg/d; decrease dose if renal failure occursHyponatremia, dizziness, somnolence, nausea, ataxia, diplopia
PhenobarbitalNA60–250 mg/d, maximum 600 mg/d (1–5 mg/kg in adults) in single or divided doses; decrease dose if renal or hepatic failure occurDrug-drug interactions, CNS depressor, respiratory depression, somnolence, rash
GabapentinNA300–3600 mg/d as monotherapy; up to 1800 mg/d as adjuvant therapy, in 3–4 divided doses; decrease dose if renal failure occursInteraction with antacids; decrease in memory and concentration; somnolence, ataxia, dizziness, edema, weight gain
Lamotrigine50 mg/d for 2 wk, then increase by 25–50 mg/wk100–500 mg/d in 2 divided doses; decrease dose if renal or hepatic failure occurRash, especially if dose escalation is rapid
Topiramate25 mg/d; increase by 25–50 mg/wk75–400 mg/d in 2 divided doses; decrease dose if renal failure occursDrug-drug interactions, somnolence, confusion, weight loss, metabolic acidosis, angle-closure glaucoma
Levetiracetam750–1000 mg/d1000–3000 mg/d in 2 divided doses; decrease dose if renal failure occursAnxiety, aggressivity, somnolence, asthenia, dizziness
Clobazam10 mg/d10–30 mg/d, maximum 60–80 mg/d in 2 divided dosesSame as for benzodiazepines; rash
ClonazepamNA1–6 mg/d in 2–3 divided dosesSame as for benzodiazepines; paradoxical excitation
  • CNS—central nervous system, GI—gastrointestinal, NA—not applicable, SIADH—syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion.

  • Data from Beaulieu and Nadeau,3 and Caraceni et al.5