Table 1.

Progressive research expectations of FP-CIs: All timings are by the end of the year. Expectations increase with higher academic training. All actions must fit with the strategic plan. Ongoing core expectations include attending Assembly of Scientists meetings and research-in-progress rounds.

Research infrastructureCareer salary supportPreparation commences for career supportApplication submitted for supportApplication obtained for career support or second applicationOngoing
MentorMentor in place—meet regularly with mentorOngoingOngoingOngoing
Focused independent research programDraft research programDocumented research program (with deliverables)Direct supervision of research staff aligned to research programOngoing
Cross-appointment to graduate study organizationNAApplication submitted for cross-appointmentCross-appointment obtainedSupervision of postgraduate student
Relationships with decision makersRelationships between senior CIs and decision makers on established projects observedContacts made with relevant stakeholdersOngoingKnowledge of decision makers and stakeholders used to inform research program
Research funding (competitive*)PI grantsUnder preparationSubmittedObtainedAdministered at least 1 PI grant in a year
Co-investigator grantsObtainedOn 3 funded projectsOngoingSubmission for program funding (team or network grant)
On 4 funded projects
Year 5: PI or co-investigator on an important grant
Liaison with outside academic institutionsNAEither co-authorship of a submitted article or co-investigatorship of a submitted grant1 peer-reviewed grant successfully obtained as solo investigator, PI, or co-investigator
Second application submitted and funds received
Liaison with outside policy makersEvidence of progress toward liaisonFormalized liaison with outside body (sitting on a committee, project administration, consultancy)Ongoing
Research outputOpinion papers, editorials, reviews, reports1 accepted1 publication in a peer-reviewed journal (first authorship is encouraged2 publications in peer-reviewed journals per year3–5 in combined category per year
At least 1 research publication per year
Research papers (including systematic reviews)Progress toward completion of a research paperResearch paper accepted2 research papers accepted in the year
Conference presentations1 abstract accepted2 abstracts accepted (national)
1 abstract accepted (international)
2 abstracts accepted (national)
2 abstract accepted (international)
Ongoing active involvement in conferences or meetings in the discipline
At least 4 presentations per year at national conferences
At least 3 presentations per year at international conferences
Keynotes and workshops preferred
Assisting the DFMTeachingTeaching residents or undergraduatesOngoingResearch projects to undergraduates or residentsSupport at least 1 DFM clinician educator or administrator (GFT or CFT) on a research initiative
Support for residentsAssistance with resident research projectA publication from a resident research projectOngoing
Liaison with other members of DFMCo-authorship of conference presentation or paper (under preparation)Co-authorship of conference presentation or paper (submitted)Co-authorship of conference presentation or paper (accepted)Ongoing
Departmental committeesMember of unit committeeOngoingMember of DFM committeeOngoing
Active involvement in clinical teaching unitActive involvement by membership in committees, small groupsRegular resident supervisionTranslation of research activities to clinical unitOngoing
  • CI—clinician investigator, CFT—community full time, DFM—Department of Family Medicine at the University of Ottawa, FP-CI—family physician CI, GFT—geographic full time, NA—no action, PI—principal investigator.

  • * Research funding that is non-competitive, from industry, or commissioned can count in this section, but the expectations for this are moved 1 year earlier in the cycle and only apply in the first 3 years.