Table 3.

Regimens for MA offered by Canadian physicians in 2012 who responded to the 2013 cross-sectional survey of abortion provision in the United States and Canada: N = 61; one physician did not respond to questions about MA regimens.

Method of MA
  • Misoprostol only9 (14.8)
  • IM methotrexate 50 mg/m2 of body surface and misoprostol42 (68.9)
  • Methotrexate 50 mg orally and misoprostol10 (16.3)
Initial dose of misoprostol
  • 400 μg4 (6.6)
  • 800 μg57 (93.4)
Misoprostol route
  • Vaginal47 (77.0)
  • Sublingual6 (9.8)
  • Buccal8 (13.1)
Misoprostol timing
  • 1 or 2 d after methotrexate12 (19.7)
  • 3 d after methotrexate11 (18.0)
  • 4–6 d after methotrexate18 (29.5)
  • Other range (all ≤ 7 d)10 (16.3)
  • > 7 days after methotrexate1 (1.6)
  • Misoprostol only9 (14.8)
Location misoprostol is taken
  • At home58 (95.1)
  • At medical facility3 (4.9)
Repeat dose of misoprostol
  • Dispensed routinely57 (93.4)
  • Dispensed only as needed3 (4.9)
  • Never given1 (1.6)
Total61 (100.0)
  • IM—intramuscular, MA—medical abortion.