Table 1.

Descriptive characteristics of study participants: N = 1054.

Family practice model
  • Blended capitation (eg, family health networks, family health organizations)362 (34.3)
  • Fee-for-service (eg, comprehensive care model, family health groups)234 (22.2)
  • Blended salary (eg, community-sponsored family health teams)169 (16.0)
  • Salaried model (eg, community health centres)43 (4.1)
  • Complement-based base remuneration plus bonuses and incentives (rural northern physician group agreement)10 (0.9)
  • Resident12 (1.1)
  • No answer given224 (21.3)
Practice setting
  • Private office608 (57.7)
  • Academic institution133 (12.6)
  • Both private office and academic institution88 (8.3)
  • No answer given225 (21.3)
Current EMR vendor
  • PS Suite EMR (Telus)305 (28.9)
  • OSCAR EMR128 (12.1)
  • Nightingale100 (9.5)
  • Accuro EMR65 (6.2)
  • Other279 (26.5)
  • Not currently using EMRs177 (16.8)
  • EMR—electronic medical record.