Table 1.

Participant characteristics: N = 26.

Place of birth, %
  • Canada84.6
  • Other or no response15.4
Religion, %
  • None identified or agnostic42.3
  • Christian or Catholic42.3
  • Other15.4
Marital status, %
  • Single11.5
  • Common law or married46.2
  • Divorced or separated42.3
No. of children, %
  • 019.2
  • 1–369.2
  • > 311.5
Education level, %
  • Some high school7.7
  • High school diploma23.1
  • Trade or diploma program15.4
  • College degree30.8
  • Undergraduate university degree15.4
  • Graduate university degree7.7
Employment, %
  • Full time19.2
  • Part time19.2
  • Unemployed15.4
  • On ODSP or other disability38.5
  • Retired19.2
Annual income, %
  • < $20 00046.2
  • $20 000–$40 00015.4
  • $40 000–$60 0003.8
  • $60 000–$80 00011.5
  • ≥ $80 00015.4
  • Do not know or do not wish to answer7.7
Health insurance, %
  • No19.2
  • Yes, ODB34.6
  • Yes, private42.3
  • No response3.8
Living situation, %
  • Alone38.5
  • With others61.5
  • Housing adequate for my needs84.6
  • Housing not adequate for my needs15.4
Mean (range) no. of chronic medical conditions excluding mental health4.9 (2–19)
ACE score, n
  • 54
  • 64
  • 76
  • 88
  • 93
  • 101
  • ACE—adverse childhood experience, ODB—Ontario Drug Benefit, ODSP—Ontario Disability Support Program.

  • * Percentages might not add to 100 owing to rounding or because participants were allowed to select more than 1 answer.