The opening hours are too restricted | Yes, no, don’t know |
When I called this practice, I had to wait too long to speak to someone | Yes, no, don’t know |
I know how to get evening, night, and weekend services | Yes, no, don’t know |
If I need a home visit I can get one | Yes, no, don’t know |
For patients who had made an appointment for today’s visit: Was it easy to get the appointment? | Yes, no |
How many days did you wait for this visit from the time that you tried to make an appointment? | Made the appointment earlier today, made the appointment yesterday, waited 2–7 d, waited more than 1 wk, don’t know |
Were you able to arrange an appointment with the doctor as soon as you wanted to? | Yes, no |
The practice is too far away from where I am living or working | Yes, no, don’t know |
I can usually see my regular doctor every time I visit | Yes, no, don’t know |
I can see other doctors in this practice if my doctor is not available | Yes, no, don’t know |
I can see other health care professionals in this practice (eg, nurse practitioner, nurse, dietitian, or pharmacist) without having to see a doctor | Yes, no, don’t know |
QUALICOPC PES—Quality and Costs of Primary Care Patient Experiences Survey.
↵* A code of 1 is unfavourable and 2 is favourable.