Table 1.

Curriculum resources: Three websites provided resources referred to in this paper.

Family Medicine Curriculum Resource. Adults with Developmental Disabilities6An 81-page booklet with a curriculum outline in 4 parts: competencies, primer, case modules, and rubrics for
Curriculum of Caring30Series of videos, including “Keys to success when examining people with developmental disabilities”18
Implementing Health Checks for Adults with Developmental Disabilities: a Toolkit for Primary Care Providers13A 61-page booklet to help in the initial steps of implementing a program of Health Checks (“EMR key word search strategies,” “Searching and assigning ICD9 codes for IDD,” “Invitation script”) and then performing a Health Check (“Systems review in primary care for people with IDD,” “Commonly missed diagnoses: head-to-toe assessment”)
  • EMR—electronic medical record, IDD—intellectual and developmental disabilities.